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Time Signatures anmeldelser

Viser 1-15 af 382
Dato Artist Titel Karakter
Queensrÿche Queensryche 8/10
F.K.Ü. 4: Rise Of The Mosh Mongers 7/10
Blackmore's Night Dancer and the Moon 6/10
Zombie Inc. Homo Gusticus 6/10
Deus Otiosus Godless 10/10
Arroganz kaos.kult.kreation 7/10
Suffocation Pinnacle Of Bedlam 9/10
Atomwinter Atomic Death Metal 6/10
Amon Ra In The Company Of The Gods [re-release] 3/10
Aeon Zen Enigma 7/10
Hatriot Heroes Of Origin 9/10
Destruction Spiritual Genocide 9/10
Voivod Target Earth 8/10
Züül To The Frontlines 8/10
Doro Under My Skin 6/10
Uhrijuhla Uhrijuhla 5/10
Horseback & Locrian New Dominions 6/10
Farewell to Arms Perceptions 5/10
Ripe The Eloquence Of Silence 8/10
Shaped By Fate I Fear The World Has Changed 7/10
Teodor Tuff Soliloquy 8/10
Testament Dark Roots of Earth 10/10
Morbid Saint Spectrum of Death 9/10
Perzonal War Captive Breeding 7/10
Mortillery Murder Death Kill 8/10
Mongrels Cross The Sins of Aquarius 9/10
Mantas Death By Metal 6/10
Enthroned Obsidium 8/10
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter The Greatest Of The Best 4/10
Denial Of God Death And The Beyond 7/10
Doro Raise Your Fist In The Air [ep] 5/10
Disintegrate Parasites Of A Shifting Future 8/10
Iron Mask Hordes Of The Brave 7/10
Crystal Viper The Curse Of Crystal Viper [re-release] 8/10
Gehenna Murder [re-release] 8/10
Darkthrone Plaguewielder [re-release] 7/10
Dødheimsgard Supervillain Outcast [re-release] 7/10
Unholy Second Ring of Power [re-release] 9/10
Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack [re-release] 8/10
Autopsy Mental Funeral [re-release] 9/10
Hellwell Beyond the Boundaries of Sin 8/10
The Undivine Delusional Noise 8/10
Battle Beast Steel 9/10
Candlemass Psalms for the Dead 9/10
Ivory Gates The Devil's Dance 10/10
Royal Thunder CVI 9/10
Master The New Elite 8/10
Fastkill Bestial Thrashing Bulldozer 8/10
Havok The Point Of No Return 8/10
Power Theory An Axe To Grind 8/10
Resistencia Al Olvido Sádicos Cóleras 7/10
Sticky Boys This is Rock'n'Roll 6/10
Oktan Black Leaves and White Thrash [ep] + Soundtrack from your Moms B 9/10
Soul Sacrifice Carpe Mortem 7/10
Miseration Tragedy Has Spoken 8/10
Circus Maximus Nine 8/10
Coredust Decent Death 6/10
Fates Warning Inside Out [Re-Issue] 10/10
Mirrormaze Walkabout 8/10
Disaffected Rebirth 8/10
Affector Harmagedon 7/10
Faal The Clouds Are Burning 8/10
Rise and Shine Empty Hand 7/10
Lonewolf Army of the Damned 7/10
Memory Driven Animus 10/10
Black Burn The Invocation 7/10
Marauder Elegy of Blood 7/10
Sacred Heart The Vision 7/10
Trioscapes Separate Realities 7/10
U.D.O. Celebrator (Rare Tracks) 7/10
Natron Grindermeister 7/10
Arkadia Tailwind 6/10
Status Minor Ouroboros 7/10
Lakei Konspirasjoner 6/10
Lars Eric Mattsson Obsession 9/10
11th Street Kids Well, What Did You Expect? 6/10
Rage 21 8/10
Hyde Hyde [ep] 7/10
Enslaved Yggdrasil 8/10
Lullacry Where Angels Fear 7/10
Awaken Demons Awaken Demons 6/10
Hawkwind Onward 7/10
The Privateer Facing the Tempest 5/10
Steel Assassin WW II: Metal of Honor 8/10
69 Chambers Torque 4/10
Existance Existance 7/10
Accept Stalingrad 9/10
Root Hell Symphony [re-release] 6/10
Root The Book [re-release] 8/10
A Sound of Thunder Out of the Darkness 9/10
Trappazat From Dusk Till Dawn 9/10
Overkill The Electric Age 10/10
Halloween Terrortory 7/10
For the Imperium For The Imperium 3/10
New Eden Solving For X 9/10
Jeff Loomis Plains of Oblivion 8/10
Urban Primate Urban Primate [ep] 7/10
Consortium Project IV - Children Of Tomorrow 8/10
Gravety Into the Grave 7/10
OSI Fire Make Thunder 7/10
Dark Empire From Refuge to Ruin 8/10
Hemina Synthetic 8/10
3 Inches Of Blood Long Live Heavy Metal 8/10
Eye Beyond Sight The Sun And The Flood 7/10
Seven Ends To The Worms 8/10
Gun Barrel Brace For Impact 7/10
Barren Earth The Devil’s Resolve 8/10
Cult Cinema Iscariot [ep] 6/10
Mordax Violence Fraud Treachery 9/10
Adrenaline Mob Omertá 9/10
Desaster The Arts of Destruction 8/10
Asphyx Deathhammer 8/10
Monumentor Medusa's Throne [ep] 7/10
Elmsfire Thieves Of The Sun 7/10
Davidian Our Fear Is Their Force 7/10
Ribozyme Presenting The Problem 8/10
Voices Of Destiny Power Dive 5/10
Sunstorm Emotional Fire 7/10
Napalm Death Utilitarian 9/10
Persona Non Grata Quantum Leap 8/10
Winter Crescent Battle of Egos [ep] 9/10
Consortium Project III - Terra Incognita (The Undiscovered World) 8/10
Orange Goblin A Eulogy For the Damned 8/10
Dyscarnate And So It Came To Pass 8/10
As I Lay Dying Decas 6/10
The Moor The Moor [ep] 6/10
Lillian Axe XI:The Days Before Tomorrow 7/10
Iron Fire Voyage of the Damned 9/10
Consortium Project II - Continuum in Extremis 8/10
Martyr Circle Of 8 9/10
Bullet Train Blast Nothing Remains 8/10
RAM Death 10/10
Pilgrim Misery Wizard 10/10
Athorn Phobia 8/10
Made Of Hate Pathogen 7/10
Deus Otiosus Murderer 8/10
Lvcifyre The Calling Depths 8/10
Mastercastle Dangerous Diamonds 8/10
Consortium Project I Criminals & Kings 6/10
Visions Of Atlantis Maria Magdalena 6/10
Nekromantheon Rise, Vulcan Spectre 10/10
Aborted Global Flatline 8/10
Satan's Host For The Love Of Satan - 25th anniversary album 8/10
Spit Rusty Underwhelmed 8/10
Buck Satan & the 666 Shooters Bikers Welcome! Ladies Drink Free 2/10
Iron Mask Black As Death 7/10
Saturnian Mist Gnostikoi Ha-Shaitan 7/10
Beggars & Thieves We Are The Brokenhearted 7/10
Royal Hunt Show Me How To Live 8/10
Crom Of Love and Death 8/10
Topper Punk Don't Death (Just get through it) 7/10
Bëehler Messages to the Dead 8/10
Abomination Abomination/Tragedy Strikes 7/10
Infernal Legion The Spear of Longinus 8/10
Bastard Priest Ghouls Of The Endless Night 8/10
Jack Starr's Burning Starr Land Of The Dead 8/10
Scarlatyna Till the End 7/10
Sandstone Cultural Dissonance 8/10
Talon III 7/10
Andromeda Manifest Tyranny 8/10
The Embodied The Embodied 7/10
Divine Ascension As The Truth Appears 7/10
Lance King A Moment In Chiros 8/10
Theocracy As The World Bleeds 8/10
Intense The Shape of Rage 8/10
The Magnificent The Magnificent 7/10
Trillium Alloy 7/10
Golden Resurrection Man with a Mission 4/10
Seven Freedom Call 7/10
Speed Limit Unchained / Prophecy 9/10
Love.Might.Kill Brace For Impact 8/10
Visitor The Need to Believe 7/10
Discharge War is Hell 7/10
Blind Guardian At the Edge of Time 7/10
Blind Guardian A Voice in the Dark 5/10
NightLord Cult of the Moon 7/10
Nordagust In the Mist of Morning 7/10
Serpent Ascending The Enigma Unsettled 6/10
Against the Flood Home Truths 7/10
Mecca Undenialble 7/10
Night in Gales Five Scars 7/10
Charred Walls of the Damned Cold Winds On Timeless Days 10/10
Epysode Obsessions 7/10
Diamond Plate Generation Why? 8/10
Vallenfyre A Fragile King 9/10
Vader Welcome To The Morbid Reich 9/10
Thrall Vermin to the Earth 7/10
Graveyard Graveyard 7/10
Night Ranger Somewhere in California 8/10
Bahimiron Rebel Hymns of Left Handed Terror 3/10
Abhor Ab Luna Lucenti, Ab Noctua Protecti 7/10
Thulcandra Under a Frozen Sun 7/10
Ave Maria Chapter I 7/10
Niels Vejlyt Sthenic 8/10
Pro-Pain 20 Years Of Hardcore 8/10
Contrition Oath of Iniquity 7/10
Anubis Gate Anubis Gate 10/10
Exxplorer Vengeance rides an angry Horse 7/10
Arch / Matheos Sympathetic Resonance 10/10
Contrition Lycanthropy [single] 7/10
Cruxifiction The Coming 7/10
Kittie I've Failed You 8/10
Work of Art In Progress 7/10
Toby Hitchcock Mercury’s Down 8/10
Transnight The Dark Half 6/10
Ursus Fuerza Metal 7/10
Loch Vostok Dystopium 8/10
Unherz Herzschlag 5/10
$ilverdollar Morte 8/10
Clinging To The Trees of a Forest Fire Visceral 5/10
Kaiserreich Ravencrowned 6/10
Moon Caduceus Chalice 5/10
Mortualia Mortualia 7/10
Falconer Armod 8/10
TRC Bright Lights 8/10
Tornado Amsterdamn, Hellsinki 9/10
XorigiN State of the Art 7/10
Vargton Projekt ProgXpriMetal 9/10
Ancient Ascendant The Grim Awakening 8/10
Hrizg Inferno 6/10
Svartsot Maledictus Eris 7/10
SerpentCult Raised By Wolves 7/10
Last View Hell in reverse 7/10
Discharge Disensitise 7/10
Attick Demons Atlantis 7/10
Manilla Road Playground Of The Damned 7/10
Dr. Livingdead! Dr. Living Dead 9/10
Numbnuts Smokey The Salmon And The Horny Mermaids Of Detention 7/10
New Discolour Short Of Ink 7/10
Nocturnal Fear Excessive Cruelty 8/10
Thunderblast Invaders from another World 9/10
Falkenbach Tiurida 6/10
Crematory Black Pearls - Greatest Hits 2-CD 6/10
Nadiwrath Nihilistic Stench 7/10
Lock Up Necropolis Transparent 9/10
Corpus Christii Luciferian Frequencies 7/10
YES Fly From Here 7/10
Roxxcalibur Lords Of The NWOBHM 7/10
Embrace the Sun The Lion Music Japan Benefit Project 7/10
Communic The Bottom Deep 8/10
Symphony X Iconoclast 9/10
Origin Entity 8/10
Sun Caged The Lotus Effect 8/10
Capilla Ardiente Solve et Coagula 7/10
Seven Witches Call Upon The Wicked 7/10
Stormwarrior Heathen Warrior 7/10
Vomitory Opus Mortis VIII 8/10
Marienbad Werk 1: Nachtfall 7/10
Exeloume Fairytale of Perversion 9/10
Hate Eternal Phoenix Amongst The Ashes 6/10
Sectu Inundate 9/10
Portrait Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae 8/10
Iron Lamb The Original Sin 7/10
The Interbeing Edge of the Obscure 7/10
Nervecell Psychogenocide 8/10
Primordial Redemption At The Puritan's Hand 7/10
Conspiracy Irremediable 6/10
Thornium Fides Luciferius 6/10
Graveyard Hisingen Blues 8/10
Zero Illusions Oblivion 7/10
Balfor Barbaric Blood 7/10
Xerión Cantares Das Loitas Esquecidas 6/10
Noctum The Seance 7/10
Haeresiarchs of Dis In Obsecration of the Seven Darks 5/10
Curse Void Above, Abyss Below 7/10
Winds Of Plague Against The World 6/10
Uriah Heep Into The Wild 7/10
Lars Eric Mattsson Aurora Borealis 6/10
Legio Mortis The Human Creation And The Devil's Contribution 6/10
Believer Transhuman 7/10
Flotsam And Jetsam The Cold 7/10
Witchhunter Crystal Demons 6/10
Procession The Cult of Disease 7/10
Hell Human Remains 10/10
RAM Under the Scythe [EP] 8/10
Chrome Division 3rd Round Knockout 7/10
Circle of Silence The Blackened Halo 8/10
Artizan Curse of the Artizan 7/10
Wolf Legions Of Bastards 8/10
While Heaven Wept Fear Of Infinity 7/10
Whitesnake Forevermore 7/10
Of Legends Stranded 6/10
Benighted Asylum Cave 6/10
Twinspirits Legacy 6/10
Neuraxis Asylon 9/10
Korea The Delirium Suite 6/10
Illdisposed There Is Light (But It's Not For Me) 7/10
Wizard ...Of Wariwulfs And Bluotvarwes 7/10
Tangent Plane Project Elimi 4/10
Imperia Secret Passion 6/10
Stargazery Eye on the Sky 7/10
Stratovarius Elysium 6/10
Oceano Contagion 3/10
Psycho Pain Addict Pigs 6/10
Thomas Giles Pulse 5/10
Darkest Era The Last Caress Of Light 6/10
Across The Sun Before The Night Takes Us 6/10
Debauchery Germany's Next Death Metal 3/10
No Gravity Worlds In Colliision 7/10
Artillery My Blood 10/10
Bullet Highway Pirates 7/10
Scarred by Beauty Sutra 7/10
Days of Anger Death Path 7/10
Desultory Counting Our Scars 8/10
Assaulter Boundless 7/10
Lazarus A.D. Black Rivers Flow 6/10
TesseracT One 8/10
BloodBound Unholy Cross 7/10
Eden's Curse Trinity 9/10
Agnostic Front My Life My Way 8/10
Before The Dawn Deathstar Rising 7/10
Brutally Deceased Dead Lovers' Guide 9/10
Hemoptysis Misanthropic Slaughter 7/10
Evergrey Glorious Collision 6/10
Korpiklaani Ukon Wacka 6/10
Hunted Welcome The Dead 7/10
Condemned? Condemned 2 Death 7/10
Destruction Day of Reckoning 9/10
Jag Panzer The Scourge of the Light 8/10
Six String Slaughter The Next Slaughter [EP] 9/10
PitchBlack The Devilty 8/10
Six Reasons to Kill Architects Of Perfection 6/10
Artas Riotology 7/10
Battlelore Doombound 4/10
The Bridal Procession Astronomical Dimensions 8/10
Firecracker Born of Fire 7/10
Trusted Few And then we forgot 7/10
Transcending Bizarre The Misanthrope\'s Fable 8/10
Orden Ogan Vale [Re-release] 6/10
Betzefer Freedom To The Slave Makers 6/10
Gloria Morti Anthems of Annihilation 8/10
Magtesløs Starry-Eyed Truth 6/10
Lillian Axe Sad Day On Planet Earth 6/10
Eradication Dreams of Reality 7/10
All Ends Nobody's Story [EP] 4/10
Ten Stormwarning 8/10
Tommy Ermolli Step Ahead 7/10
Omnium Gatherum New World Shadows 8/10
Oliver Weers Evil's Back 7/10
Deadlock Bizarro World 7/10
Defiled In Crisis 7/10
Annihilator Annihilator 8/10
The Shadow Theory Behind the Black Veil 9/10
Unitopia Artificial 7/10
Star One Victims of a Modern Age 8/10
Raintime Psychromatic 7/10
Seven Thorns Return To The Past 7/10
Control Denied The Fragile Art of Existence - Special Edition 10/10
Cynic Re-Traced 8/10
Cynic Traced in Air 10/10
Cynic Focus 10/10
KrashKarma Straight to the Blood 6/10
Firewind Days Of Defiance 9/10
Sonata Arctica The Days of Greys 7/10
Sonata Arctica Winterheart's Guild 7/10
Sonata Arctica Silence 8/10
Sonata Arctica Ecliptica 9/10
Pertness From the Beginning to the End 8/10
SteelMaid Raptor 7/10
Sandstone Purging The Past 8/10
Albatross Dinner Is You 9/10
Züül Howl Of The Wolf 8/10
Mar de Grises Streams Inwards 7/10
Devoid A God's Lie 8/10
Engel Threnody 7/10
Aborym Psychogrotesque 7/10
Otargos No God, No Satan 6/10
Tankard Vol(l)ume 14 7/10
Angband Visions of the Seeker 6/10
Black Majesty In Your Honour 9/10
Covered Call Money Never Sleeps 7/10
Megadeth Endgame 8/10
Portrait The Murder Of All Things Righteous [EP] 9/10
Gallows Pole Revolution 5/10
Procession Destroyers Of The Faith 7/10
Day Six The Grand Design 9/10
Skullview Metalkill the World 7/10
Silent Memorial Cosmic Handball 7/10
Silent Memorial Retrospective 8/10
Helstar Glory Of Chaos 10/10
Katra Out of the Ashes 6/10
Arktika Symmetry 8/10

Gennemsnitskarakter for Time Signature: 7,3

Time Signatures interviews

Time Signatures nyheder

Viser 1-15 af 605
Dato Titel
Fates Warning på vej med nyt album
Nyt album fra James Labrie på gaden nu
Artillery på Metal Blade
Jeff Hanneman er død
Forudbestil EP fra danske GRIMMTHURS - få den FØR UDGIVELSESDATO
Interview med Japanske Eleanor
TOTAL NEGATION-konkurrence på Metal Music Archives
Pre-order EP fra danse Grimmthurs
Stream nummer fra kommende Grimmthurs EP
Mayfaiy interview på Metal Music Archives
Nyt album fra Eleanor: se video og stream tracks
Deus Otiosus-konkurrence på Metal Music Archives
Se ny Stratovarius-video
Stream hele Batillus' kommende album
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Odrarek Room: doom-death album på gaden nu!
Erector: undergrundsband fra 90erne genoplives... sådan da.
Verdenspræmiere for nummer fra Chosens debutalbum
Anaal Nathrakh melder fra til Copenhell
Grindcore til Folket fra ROTTEN SOUND
CANNABIS CORPSE Signes af Season of Mist
Interview med Edge of Attack på Metal Music Archives
Fates Warnings kommende album færdigskrevet
Demona arbejder på nyt album
Deus Otiosus "Godless" ude nu!
Queensrÿche er tilbage!
WINTER CRESCENT udsender live video
Deus Otiosus udgiver andet album <i>Godless</i> d. 19. november
Winter Crescent på Spotify
Stort PROTOTYPE interview på <i>Metal Music Archives</i>
Ny single fra LET
Stream Dedemon-nummer gratis
Ny album-trailer fra The 69 Eyes
Forudbestil My Dying Brides kommende album
Underground Music awards åbner op for tilmelding til UMA’12
KATATONIA: Nyt album på iTunes pre-order nu
CLOUDSCAPE interview på <i>Metal Music Archives</i>
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Rae Amitay ny trommeslager i MARES OF THRACE
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Jon Lord er død
Deus Otiosus skriver kontrakt med Deepsend Records
Posthum på Indie Recordings
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Ny trommeslager i Artillery
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Stort interview med danske Deus Otiosus på internationalt site
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Stream Chainfist nummer
Metal Mekka vender tilbage!
Kylesa til Danmark
Ny EP fra Deathspell Omega
The Casualties på Season of Mist
<i>The Number of the Beast</i> - bedste britiske album i 60 år
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<i>Utopia Banished</i> remaster
Hør nyt Baroness-nummer
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Demona interview på <i>Metal Music Archives</i>
Stream Saint Vitus' <i>Lillie: F-65</i> på NPR
Urgehal frontmand afgår ved døden
COPENHELL nomineret til Byens Bedste Musikoplevelse&#8207;
Interview med Dani Nolden fra Shadowside
Eye Beyond Sight musikvideo
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Vulture Industries på nyt label
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Burning Points kommende album detaljeret
Soulline på Mighty Music
Fuel From Hells nyeste album detaljeret
Spit Rusty søger bassist
Valkiria video-trailer
Noko signer med Metal Mind
Ordinary Brainwash goes metal
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Stream nyt album fra The Love Below
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Ny single fra Engel
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Nyt album fra Scientic detaljeret
Hope Dies Last interview
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Ny single fra Mencea
Stream nummer fra kommende Enthroned album
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Inquisition på nyt label
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Musikvideo fra Kruk
Ny video fra Ecnephias
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<i>M.I.M./Assassin</i> på gaden nu
Forcentury studio report
HateSphere tour
Paul Wardningham studievideo
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Eths nyt
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SAINT REBEL og MALRUN releasefester
Nyt fra The Foreshadowing
Pre-order Chimp Spanners næste EP nu
"From Hell to Texas" reissue
Download gratis ’We Will Be OK’ med Spit Rusty
Mpire of Evil klar med ny skive
BULLET TRAIN BLAST går direkte ind på en 13. plads
Interview med Immolith
Sea of Tranquility interviewer Adimiron
Stream nummer fra kommende Albatross-EP
Nyt output fra Sender Receiver
Interview med Jon Larsen fra Volbeat
Åbenhjertigt interview med Sebastian Bach
Gene Hoglan om sin tjans som afløser i Anthrax
Anthrax ramt af sygdom x 2
Atheist-sang i Rock Band 3
Album på vej fra Demona
Demona 7'' EP snart på gaden
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Halestorm signer med Roadrunner
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Winter Crescent i Rock Band 3
Ni video fra Anthrax
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Cynics "The Portal Tapes" detaljeret
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Black Sheep Wall-album detaljeret
Carach Angren studie-rapport
Demonical tvunget til at afblæse turne
Hør nummer fra Shears' kommende album
Nyt album fra Enthroned
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Giv en hånd med til Copenhell
Ny Altar-udgivelse
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Nyt album på vej fra Paul Wardingham
"Nothing Remains" nummer for nummer
Copenhell playlist på Spotify
Bagom Pacts "The Dragon Lineage of Satan"
Mastodon til Copenhell 2012
Sólstafir klar med musikvideo
Stream kommende Kells album
Stream kommende Dodecahedron album
Enslaved og Ghost Brigade på Europa-tour
Barricade vinder Mighty Fight Night
Winter Crescent klar med musikvideo
John Petrucci signing session i København
Download Beneath EP gratis og lovligt...
Nicole Bogner er død
Marilyn Manson kaprer Jason Sutter
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Spit Rusty på Metal Music Archives
Cynic udgiver Portal-demoer
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Eths album bliver udskudt
Tony Iommi har kræft
Interview med X-Panda
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Voidhanger 2011-debut kommer på vinyl i januar
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Auroch interview
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Hail Spirit Noir på Code666
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Stemmen bag "The Number of the Beast" afgår ved døden
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Volbeat hyrer legendarisk guitarist
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Ny musikvideo fra Otargos
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Cynic til Danmark
Kylesa til Danmark
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Morbid Angel går totalt techno...
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Dark Forest går bagom deres seneste album
Stream hele Paranorm's "Pandemonium's Rise" EP gratis på MMA
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Dato for udgivelse af Dodecahedrons debut-album
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Download gratis nummer fra Tsjuders kommende album
Download gratis Solstafir-nummer
Esoteric album detaljeret
Stream Arckanums kommende album
Full of Hate Tour til Danmark
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Thy Catafalque album detaljeret
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Portnoy taler om fortid og fremtid
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Royal Hunt går i studiet
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Adrenaline interview
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Rhapsody of Fire splittes
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Download nummer fra kommende Old Silver Key album gratis
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Fair to Midland på europaturne
The Dillinger Escape Plan lancerer ny hjemmeside
Jag Panzer takker af
Ava Inferi på vej med musikvideo
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Minushumans nye hjemmeside
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Interview med Geoff Tate
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Würzel død
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Trackliste og cover art til Rob Dukes sideprojekt er nu klar
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WhoCares: superprojekt med Iommi, Gillan, McBrain, Newsted m.fl.
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Nader Sadek på vej med debut-album
Cover art of trackliste til kommende Endstille-album
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A Life Once Lost på Season of Mist
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Mustaine over en kop te
At The Gates koncerter i 2011
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The Project Hate MCMXCIX på vej med nyt album
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Finntroll, Rotting Christ, Nothnegal m.fl. på Europa-turne nu

Time Signatures seneste kommentarer

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