
The Number of the Beast - bedste britiske album i 60 år

<i>The Number of the Beast</i> - bedste britiske album i 60 år

Iron Maidens legendariske The Number of the Beast er blevet stemt ind som "the best British album of the last 60 years" i en offentlig afstemning foretaget af HMV i forbindelse med dronningens 60-års jubilæum.

Således overhaler Iron Maiden ingen ringere end The Beatles, Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, The Smiths, The Clash, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath og Queen samt The Sex Pistols.

Bruce Dickinson udtaler: "We're astonished and delighted to hear 'The Number of the Beast' has been named Number One. Some of the most influential and classic albums from the past 60 years were in the running so it’s a testament to our incredibly loyal and ever-supportive fans who voted for us. Iron Maiden is a proudly British band, so to win this category as voted for by the British public, in Jubilee year, is very special. Thank you to all our wonderful fans!“

Du kan se hele listen her hos HMV: http://hmv.com/hmvweb/navigate.do?pPageID=5637