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Michael Aggers anmeldelser

Viser 1-15 af 86
Dato Artist Titel Karakter
Enforcer Zenith 7/10
Athanasia The Order Of The Silver Compass 4/10
Possessed Revelations of Oblivion 9/10
Detest 'A Moment Of Love 8/10
Iron Savior Kill Or Get Killed 8/10
Altar of Oblivion The Seven Spirits 10/10
Blodhemn Mot Ein Evig Ruin 6/10
Fusion Bomb Concrete Jungle 8/10
Seven Thorns Symphony of Shadows 8/10
Sacral Rage Beyond Celestial Echoes 9/10
Sulphur Aeon The Scythe of Cosmic Chaos 10/10
Soreption Monument of the End 7/10
Artillery The Face Of Fear 9/10
Darkness First Class Violence 9/10
Mayan Dhyana 6/10
Dark Sarah The Golden Moth 4/10
Monstrosity The Passage Of Existence 9/10
Infrared Saviours 5/10
Terror Sound War Against Everything 7/10
Manticora To Kill to Live to Kill 7/10
Deathstorm Reaping What is Left 9/10
Pestilence Hadeon 7/10
Aura Noir Aura Noir 8/10
Burden of Grief Eye Of The Storm 5/10
Blood Tsunami Grave Condition 7/10
Gravehill The Unchaste, the Profane & the Wicked 8/10
Voidhanger Dark Days Of The Soul 9/10
Ektomorf Fury 6/10
Steel Inferno Aesthetics Of Decay 9/10
Tribulation Down Below 9/10
Necromandus Necromandus 8/10
Silius Hell Awakening 6/10
Gods Forsaken In A Pitch Black Grave 8/10
Tehom The Merciless Light 8/10
National Suicide Massacre Elite 9/10
Deny the Urge As Darkness Falls 8/10
Altarage Endinghent 10/10
RAM Rod 9/10
My Regime Deranged Patterns 7/10
Panzer The Fatal Command 8/10
Burning Witches Burning Witches 9/10
Municipal Waste Slime And Punishment 7/10
Detest Dorval 8/10
The Petulant Dictum 9/10
Masquerade Soul Deception 8/10
Eisregen Fleischfilm 5/10
Dream Evil Six 8/10
Firespawn The Reprobate 9/10
Dark Funeral Where Shadows Forever Reign 9/10
Candlemass Death Thy Lover 9/10
Gruesome Dimensions Of Horror 8/10
Iotunn The Wizard Falls 9/10
Cursus Bellum Accusing the dead 7/10
Phobocosm Bringer Of Drought 8/10
Nidhöggr Ragnarök 8/10
Paragon Hell Beyond Hell 9/10
Decrepit Soul The Coming of War!! 7/10
Artillery Penalty By Perception 9/10
Anger As Art Ad Mortem Festinamus 8/10
Maze of Terror Ready to Kill 8/10
Mortiis The Great Deceiver 7/10
Lost Society Braindead 6/10
Altarage NIHL 9/10
Exumer The Raging Tides 9/10
Poisoner Disobey 8/10
RAM Svbversvm 9/10
Battlecross Rise To Power 5/10
Grave Out of Respect for the Dead 8/10
Denner/Shermann Satan´s Tomb 9/10
Essence Prime 6/10
Grusom Grusom 9/10
Ghost Meliora 10/10
Dew-Scented Intermination 8/10
One Machine The Final Cull 9/10
Armored Saint Win Hands Down 6/10
Infernal War Axiom 10/10
Shining (SE) IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends 9/10
Impalers God from the Machine 9/10
Perdition Temple The Tempter's Victorious 8/10
Shredhead Death Is Righteous 6/10
Tristana Virtual Crime 6/10
No Return Fearless Walk To Rise 6/10
Beautality Einfallen: A Tale ov Torment and Triumph 7/10
Enforcer From Beyond 9/10
Venom From The Very Depths 8/10
Bio-Cancer Tormenting the Innocent 7/10

Gennemsnitskarakter for Michael Agger: 7,8

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