


Aphyxion - Ad Astra

En festlig omgang catchy core fra Ribekvintetten.


Aphyxion - Void

Alle gode gange tre!


Aphyxion - Aftermath

Der er tilsyneladende intet, der kan stoppe Aphyxion, som smadrer udtrykket ’den svære toer’


Aphyxion - Earth Entangled

Er det det store gennembrud for Aphyxion? Det er i hvert fald skide fedt!


Relaterede nyheder

Koncerter og festivaler

Viser 1-15 af 76
Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
Prime is Coming 2023: Aphyxion, Ghost Iris, The Interbeing, Royal Deceit, SortHandsk, m.fl.
Prime is Coming 2023: Aphyxion, Ghost Iris, The Interbeing, Royal Deceit, SortHandsk, m.fl.
Prime is Coming 2023: Aphyxion, Ghost Iris, The Interbeing, Royal Deceit, SortHandsk, m.fl.
Prime Is Coming 2023: Aphyxion, Ghost Iris, The Interbeing, SortHandsk, Royal Deceit, m.fl.
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Prime is Coming 2023: Aphyxion, Ghost Iris, The Interbeing, Royal Deceit, SortHandsk, m.fl.
Prime is Coming 2023: Aphyxion, Ghost Iris, The Interbeing, Royal Deceit, SortHandsk, m.fl.
Rowdy Festival 2022: Aphyxion, Katla Aflyst
- Mejerhell 2022: HateSphere, Ivy Crown, Aphyxion, Demolizer, Lightchapter, m.fl.
- Smukfest 2022: Aphyxion, Bersærk, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, H.E.R.O., Skagarack, m.fl.
Spot Metal 2022: H.E.R.O., Aphyxion, Lamentari, Neckbreakker, Eyes, m.fl.
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- Copenhagen Metal Fest 2021: Cabal, Saturnus, CLIENTS, Lamentari, MØL, m.fl.
Læs reportage
- Copenhagen Metal Fest 2020: Saturnus, Aphyxion, Iotunn, Deadnate, Hearteater, m.fl. Aflyst
SPOT Metal 2020: Alkymist, Aphyxion, Cabal, Ivy Crown, Livløs, m.fl. Aflyst
Aphyxion Aflyst
SPOT Metal 2020: Alkymist, Aphyxion, Cabal, Ivy Crown, Livløs, m.fl. Aflyst
Prime is Coming 2020: MØL, The Interbeing, Aphyxion, Tainted Lady, Cartographs, m.fl.
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Prime is Coming 2020: MØL, The Interbeing, Aphyxion, Tainted Lady, Cartographs, m.fl.
Prime is Coming 2020 Part II: MØL, Aphyxion, Cartographs, Tainted Lady
Aphyxion, Herezy
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Aphyxion, Defecate
- Copenhell Metal Cruise 2019: HateSphere, Redwood Hill, Livløs, Dirt Forge, Bombus, m.fl.
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Aphyxion, VOLA, Ivy Crown, Cyborg
Aphyxion, Cartographs
Aphyxion, Royal Deceit
Aphyxion, Quantum Solaris, Cartographs
Aphyxion, Hearteater, Crown The Beast
Aphyxion, Hearteater
Aphyxion, Beneath The Silence, Among Phantoms
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- Smukfest 2019: Aphyxion, Royal Deceit, Isbjörg, Magtens Korridorer, Thirty Seconds To Mars
Defecto, Helhorse, Siamese, Aphyxion
Defecto, Helhorse, Siamese, Aphyxion
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Defecto, Helhorse, Siamese, Aphyxion
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, Defecto, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, Defecto, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, I'll Be Damned, Siamese, Sons Of Death Valley, MØL, m.fl.
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Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, I'll Be Damned, Siamese, Sons Of Death Valley, MØL, m.fl.
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, I'll Be Damned, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Prime is Coming: Defecto, Aphyxion, Siamese, I'll Be Damned, Cabal, m.fl.
Aphyxion, Unseen Faith, Cold Night for Alligators
Metallica, Aphyxion
Slam-It! 2017: Issues, Crown The Empire, State Champs, Aphyxion, Siamese, m.fl.
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Issues, Crown The Empire, State Champs, Aphyxion, Siamese, Cabal, Natjager, Heatheater, Northern Blues
Aphyxion, Billy Boy In Poison, Contrition
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Aphyxion, MØL
Aphyxion, Royal Deceit
When COPENHELL Freezes Over 2017: Forever Still, Aphyxion, LLNN, , Defecto, m.fl.
Vintermetal 2017: HateSphere, Aphyxion, Electric Hellride
HateSphere, The Arcane Order, Aphyxion
HateSphere, Aphyxion
Grumpynators, Aphyxion
Aphyxion, Pandemia, No Return
No Return, Pandemia, Aphyxion
Soulfly, Aphyxion
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, Phoebus Cartel, Contrition, Embryo, m.fl.
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, Savage Machine, Velociter , MØL, m.fl.
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, When Water Runs Deep, Embryo, Velociter , m.fl.
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, Prevail, Heidra, Phoebus Cartel, m.fl.
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, Heidra, MØL, Abscission, m.fl.
Aphyxion Elværket, Helsingør
Aphyxion, E’nemia
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Blood Label, Aphyxion
Aphyxion, Blood Label
Mordax, Aphyxion
Aphyxion Konfus, Esbjerg
Aphyxion, Contrition
Mordax, Invisius, Aphyxion
Levitation, Aphyxion



Interview med Aphyxion

En tidlig lørdag formiddag på Oslobåden fangede vi Aphyxion og fik et par ord ud af de morgentrætte fyre fra Ribe!

Interview med Aphyxion

I forbindelse med deres kommende album, Void, fik vi os en lille snak med Aphyxions trommeslager Jakob!

Aphyxion, interview

Aphyxion skulle lukke og slukke førstedagen til Mono Goes Metal i Aarhus. I den anledning fik jeg en snak med forsanger Michael Vahl.


Lørdag d. 30 havde Aphyxion release-party i Ribe på det lokale spillested Riamuf, Heavymetal.dk fik muligheden for at tage en snak med