


Soilwork - Övergivenheten

Ja, tak! Soilwork leverer igen


Soilwork - A Whisp Of The Atlantic (EP)

Soilwork går i både nye og vante retninger på imponerende ep


Soilwork - Verkligheten

Soilwork gør det igen


Soilwork - Death Resonance

Soilwork fortsætter med at arbejde sig op fra den svenske muld


Soilwork - The Ride Majestic

Dødsmetallens elegantier er tilbage i fejende flot form


Soilwork - The Living Infinite

Soilwork brillierer, selv med så mange år på bagen


Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast


Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama


Soilwork - The Early Chapters


Soilwork - Figure Number Five


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Koncerter og festivaler

Viser 1-15 af 22
Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
In Flames, Arch Enemy, Soilwork
Soilwork, Eradikated
Soilwork, Kataklysm, Horizon Ignited
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Slipknot, Jinjer, Soilwork
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- Nordic Noise 2022: Battering Ram, Thorium, Liv Sin, Konkhra, Artillery, m.fl.
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- Royal Metal Fest 2022: Soilwork, Sinnrs, Unseen Faith, Shamash, Royal Deceit, m.fl.
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- Royal Metal Fest 2021: Soilwork, Kampfar, CLIENTS, ORM, Ihsahn, m.fl. Aflyst
- Royal Metal Fest 2020: Soilwork, Wayward Dawn, ORM, Kampfar, Uada, m.fl. Aflyst
Amorphis, Soilwork, Jinjer, Nailed To Obscurity
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- Wacken Open Air 2017: Volbeat, Accept, Alice Cooper, Amon Amarth, Megadeth, m.fl.
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Kreator, Sepultura, Soilwork, Aborted
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Soilwork, KForKill
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Soilwork, Keep Of Kalessin, Sybreed
- Aalborg Metal Festival 2013: At The Gates, Soilwork, Napalm Death, Belphegor, Incantation, m.fl.
- Roskilde Festival 2011: Iron Maiden, Mastodon, Autopsy, Soilwork, Kylesa, m.fl.
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Zimmers Hole, Soilwork, One Way Mirror Kulturbolaget, Malmö
Soilwork, Volbeat, HateSphere, Mnemic
- Aalborg Metal Festival 2007: Soilwork, Chimaira, Sonic Syndicate, Kreator, Dream Evil
- Wacken Open Air 2006: Mortal Sin, Scorpions, Mystic Circle, Wintersun, Legion Of The Damned, m.fl.
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Hypocrisy, Soilwork, Amorphis, One Man Army and the Undead Quartet, Scar Symmetry
- Roskilde Festival 2004: Meshuggah, Slipknot, Morbid Angel, Mnemic, Hatebreed, m.fl.
- Wacken Open Air 2003: Twisted Sister, Saxon, Slayer, Running Wild, Annihilator, m.fl.
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Interview med Soilwork

Op til udgivelsen af Soilworks nye ep, A Whisp of the Atlantic, tog vi en snak med sangskriver og guitarist David Andersson. Læs med her,

Videointerview med Soilwork

Kort tid inden Soilwork skulle på scenen i Amager Bio, fik vi en snak med trommeslager Bastian Thusgaard. Se med her, hvor han bl.a.


Interview med svenske Soilwork i anledning af deres seneste album The Living Infinites kåring for "Årets Udenlandske Udgivelse 2013" her på