
Studiestræde 52
1554 København V
Udgårdsfest 2022: Týr, Svartsot, Vanir, Heidra, Varang Nord, Trold - Kill-Town Death Fest VIII - Ridden with Disease: Acephalix, Ascendency (DK), Asphyx, Astriferous, Atavisma, Bloodsoaked Necrovoid, Burial Invocation, Cavurn, Carcinoid, Coffin Texts, Concrete Winds, Convocation, Cryptic Brood, Dead Congregation, Deathcult, Cerebral Rot, Encoffination, Engulfed, Faceless Burial, Father Befouled, Gorephilia, Hyperdontia, Innumerable Forms, Interment, Krypts, Mortal Wound, Morta Skuld, Mortiferum, Ossuary, Proscription, Sijjin, Sněť, Vanhelgd, Void Rot, Witch Vomit, Kommand Primordial, Moonsorrow, Rome Aflyst Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum Aflyst Fever 333 Max & Igor Cavalera, Healing Magic Mayhem, Gaahls Wyrd, GosT, Voodus
Læs anmeldelse - Kill-Town Death Fest VII: The Decompomorphosis: Abhorrence, Tomb Mold, Vastum, Obliteration, Coffins, Abysmal Dimensions, Adversarial, Anatomia, Antediluvian, Assumption, Bastard Grave, Black Curse, Chaotian, Chthe'ilist, Corpsessed, Dead Void, Drowned, Druid Lord, Funebrarum, Funeral Moth, Ghastly, Grave, Lucifericon, Mitochondrion, Malthusian, Mortuous, Necrovation, Of Feather and Bone, Phobocosm, Profetus, Tchornobog, Ritual Necromancy, Suffering Hour, Superstition, Taphos, The Dead Creed, Transgressor, Kever, Ignivomous, Har - Udgårdsfest 2019: Moonsorrow, Trollfest, Vanir, Thorium, Gjaldulei, Afsky, Wulfaz, Sylvatica Bersærk, Dirt Forge
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