


ORM - Intet - Altet

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ORM - Mit Blod (EP)

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Orm leverer et episk og betagende black-metal mesterværk


Ormen hugger, spreder sin gift og indhyller din krop og sjæl i et endeløst sort hul


Relaterede nyheder

Dato Titel
Night Of The Black Attack 2.0

Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
- Aalborg Metal Festival: VLTIMAS, Illdisposed, BAEST, Afsky, Ferocity, m.fl.
ORM, Glemsel
ORM, Glemsel
ORM, Glemsel
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ORM, Glemsel
ORM, Offernat, Blodmåne
Dødsgangen 2024: ORM, Temple of Scorn, 1914, Henret, URNE
- Copenhell 2024 - Orm: ORM
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- SPOT 2024: ORM, SYL, Pleaser, St. Digue
Slag-Town Slays Fest 2024: The Arcane Order, Afdød, Afsky, ORM, Hate, m.fl.
Indisciplinarian Fest 2024: Piss Vortex, FOSSILS, Alkymist, Eyes, ORM
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When Copenhell Freezes Over 2023: ORM, Feather Mountain, Omsorg, Kollapse, Neckbreakker, m.fl.
Pest Fest 2022: Wiegedood, Heltekvad, ORM, Sarkrista, Skaur
ORM, Offernat
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ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
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ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Offernat
ORM, Katla Aflyst
ORM, Offernat
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- COPENHELL 2022: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Korn, Mercyful Fate, Emperor, m.fl.
ORM, Nils Gröndahl
ORM Aflyst
ORM, Terminalist, Mother of All
Aarhus Åbner Op: BAEST, ORM, Xenoblight
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Summer Days: ORM, BAEST, Xenoblight
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- Copenhell 2021: Judas Priest, Jinjer, Agnostic Front, Gatecreeper, Crypt Sermon, m.fl. Aflyst
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- Royal Metal Fest 2021: Soilwork, Kampfar, CLIENTS, ORM, Ihsahn, m.fl. Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
- Temple of Doom Days 2021: BAEST, ORM, Katla Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM, LLNN, Remains Aflyst
ORM, Katla Aflyst
ORM, Eyes
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM, Nils Gröndahl
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ORM, Nils Gröndahl
ORM Aflyst
- Roskilde Festival 2020: Deftones, Amenra, Conjurer, Lingua Ignota, Svalbard, m.fl. Aflyst
- Copenhell 2020: Iron Maiden, Kiss, Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, Korn, m.fl. Aflyst
ORM, Katla Aflyst
ORM, Xenoblight Aflyst
- Royal Metal Fest 2020: Soilwork, Wayward Dawn, ORM, Kampfar, Uada, m.fl. Aflyst
ORM, LLNN, Remains Aflyst
Slag-Town Slays 2020: ORM, Horned Almighty, HOAK, We Are The Dead, Cattle Decapitation, m.fl. Aflyst
ORM, Katla Aflyst
ORM, Lipid, Killing Aflyst
ORM, Katla, Galge Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
ORM Aflyst
- Temple of Doom Days 2020: ORM, Asagraum, Livløs, Diabolical, Morild, m.fl. Aflyst
- Viborg Metal Festival 2020: Memoriam, Herezy, Stormwarrior, ORM, Cor Vacante, m.fl.
Steppeulven 2020: ORM
Sorte Firkant Musikfestival 2019: Inter Arma, ORM, Gullo Gullo, Heathe, Rýk, m.fl.
ORM, Terrorpy
ORM, Taphos
- Raise Your Horns 2019: Blood Red Throne, Livløs, ORM, Ghost Iris, Silent Fracture, m.fl.
- SPOT Festival 2019: Nyt Liv, Wayward Dawn, Billy Boy In Poison, ORM, Xenoblight, m.fl.
ORM, Dying Hydra
- Copenhell 2018: Ozzy Osbourne, Alice In Chains, Deftones, Helloween, Nightwish, m.fl.
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Indisciplinarian Fest 2018: Solbrud, ORM, Rising, Parasight, Smertegrænsens Toldere, m.fl.
Solbrud, ORM, Shamash
Solbrud, ORM
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Night of the Black Attack 2.0: Solbrud, Slægt, Satanic Assault Division, ORM
Solbrud, ORM
Solbrud, ORM
- Aalborg Metal Festival 2017: I Am Morbid, Dark Funeral, Destruction, Myrkur, Pyrexia, m.fl.
Læs reportage
Solbrud, ORM
Solbrud, ORM
- Metal Magic Festival 2017: Nifelheim, Tribulation, Absu, Diamond Head, Quartz, m.fl.
ORM, Afsky



Interview med Orm

Et møde med de underjordiske på Nørrebro

Interview med Orm

Som optakt til Night of the Black Attack 2.0, fik vi en snak med de fire aktuelle bands, om deres syn på den danske metal scene, hvem de ser