


Deadnate - The North Sea

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Deadnate - The North Sea Pt. I (EP)

Dygtige Deadnate fortsætter deres spændende udvikling


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Koncerter og festivaler

Viser 1-15 af 72
Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
Lifesick, Deadnate, Guttural Disgorge
Lifesick, Deadnate, Guttural Disgorge, SPLIT
Mono Goes Metal 2024: Sunken, Persecutor, Deadnate, Terrorpy, Apathist, m.fl.
LIFESICK 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: 802, Ashes of Billy, Blodmåne, Deadnate, Lifesick, m.fl.
Timechild, Deadnate
Deadnate, Timechild
Læs anmeldelse
Deadnate, Galge
Deadnate, Feather Mountain, Galge
Deadnate, Feather Mountain, Late Night Venture
Deadnate, Feather Mountain, Galge
Deadnate, Feather Mountain, Galge
Feather Mountain, Deadnate, ÊTRE
Deadnate, Feather Mountain, Galge
Bersærk, Deadnate
Deadnate, AnoxiA, Livedevil
Feather Mountain, Deadnate
- Support Our Scene Fest 2022: Evergreen Terrace, Deadnate, Hearteater, Galge, Adversary (NL), m.fl.
Lifesick, Deadnate, Wayward Dawn, St. Digue
- Royal Metal Fest 2022: Soilwork, Sinnrs, Unseen Faith, Shamash, Royal Deceit, m.fl.
Læs reportage
Livløs, Deadnate
Livløs, Deadnate
Livløs, Deadnate
Livløs, Deadnate
The Arcane Order, Deadnate, Terminalist
Livløs, Deadnate
Livløs, Deadnate
Feather Mountain, Deadnate, Sansera
Feather Mountain, Quantum Solaris, Deadnate
Deadnate, Offernat
Deadnate, Neckbreakker, Sun Dog
- Copenhagen Metal Fest 2021: Cabal, Saturnus, CLIENTS, Lamentari, MØL, m.fl.
Læs reportage
Deadnate, Feather Mountain
De grimmeste aftner 2020: I'll Be Damned
BAEST, Deadnate
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Bersærk, Deadnate
Konkhra, Valkenrag, Deadnate
Bite The Bullet, Deadnate
Eyehategod, Deadnate
Deadnate, Awake The Lights
Xenoblight, Deadnate
Metalcruise Afterparty 2019: Electric Hellride, Deadnate
Deadnate, CRYOSPHERE, Beneath The Silence
Support Our Scene Fest 2019: Lifesick, In Clover, Dagger Threat, Heroes 2 None, First Blood, m.fl.
- Fatter Escobar 2019: Magnified Eye, Pudsige Herrer, Deadnate, AnoxiA, Wulfaz, m.fl.
Defecate, Deadnate
Copenhell Family Reunion 2019: Bersærk, Deadnate, Shadowspawn
Deadnate, Herezy
- Royal Metal Fest 2019: Taake, Vomitory, Rotten Sound, Implore, Tribulation, m.fl.
Læs reportage
- Temple of Doom Days 2019: Bersærk, Konvent, In Mourning, Sylvatica, Demolizer, m.fl.
Holbæk Heavy - Pest over Provinsen: MØL, Deadnate
- Mono Goes Metal Festival 2019: Chaotian, Pectora, Deadnate, Horned Almighty, Alkymist, m.fl.
Ring of Gyges, Feather Mountain, Deadnate
Lifesick, Cabal, DTHRNR, Deadnate
Glöggten Station Dag 2: Spitanger, Deadnate, Death To Seattle, RIOT SUN
Polars Collide, Deadnate
Uhørt Festival 2018: Daze of June, Dirt Forge, Beneath The Silence, Deadnate
- Dirty Days of Summer vol. VII: Velvet Volume, Death Alley, Road To Jerusalem, Firespawn, BAEST, m.fl.
Læs anmeldelse
Support Our Scene Fest 2018: SURGE OF FURY, Paura, Wolfpack, Unseen Faith, Wisdom In Chains, m.fl.
WOA Metal Battle 2018: Deadnate, Pudsige Herrer, Hadron, Xenoblight
WOA Metal Battle 2018: Isbjörg, Genfærd, Nordsind, Deadnate



Interview med Deadnate

Undergrunden ryster! I dag udkommer Deadnates første ep, og derfor fik vi selvfølgelig en snak med bandet. Læs med her, hvor drengene