Illdisposed, Prevail, 9000 John Doe
VoxHall, Aarhus C
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BAEST, I'll Be Damned, Prevail
Turbinen, Randers
Prevail, Xenoblight, Xettia
Spillestedet Stengade, København N
Springtime Slaughter: BAEST, Prevail, Deadflesh, Shadowspawn
Forbrændingen, Albertslund
Fleshgod Apocalypse, Prevail, Jerkstore
Studenterhuset Aalborg, Aalborg
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Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, Defecto, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Sønderborghus, Sønderborg
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, Defecto, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Konfus, Esbjerg
Prime is Coming: Defecto, Aphyxion, Siamese, I'll Be Damned, Cabal, m.fl.
Musikhuset Posten, Odense C
Theory, Prevail, Savage Machine
Atlas, Aarhus C
KettleMetal: Dirt Forge, Livløs, Prevail
Smallegade 12, Frederiksberg
Aalborg Metal Festival 2017: I Am Morbid, Dark Funeral, Destruction, Myrkur, Pyrexia, m.fl.
Studenterhuset Aalborg, Aalborg
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Prevail, Wrath of Belial, Crown The Beast
Studenterhus Århus, Århus C
Dawn Of Demise, Prevail
Musikcaféen, Århus C
Dawn Of Demise, Prevail
KulisseLageret, Horsens
Heavy Agger Metal Festival 2017: Bömbers, Them, Evil Invaders, Witch Cross, Soulburn, m.fl.
De Sorte Huse, Vestervig
Crocell, BAEST, Prevail, Wrath of Belial
Monorama, Åbyhøj
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Prevail, Velociter
Musikcaféen, Århus C
Midwinter Meltdown: Illdisposed, HateSphere, Prevail, Rising, Horned Almighty, m.fl.
Turbinen, Randers
Harder's Juleheavy part 2: Hindufyma, Deus Otiosus, Prevail, Seven Thorns, Panofobia, m.fl.
Harders, Svendborg
Prevail, Scientic, Enchiridion, Inacave
Lygten Station, København NV
Prevail, Livløs, Fordærv
Café von Hatten, Randers
Dawn Of Demise, Billy Boy In Poison, The Tombless, Prevail
Café von Hatten, Randers
Open Grave Metal Festival 2015: Blodarv, Castrensis, Crocell, Defilementory, Detest, m.fl.
Byens Rum, Aalborg
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, Phoebus Cartel, Contrition, Embryo, m.fl.
Konfus, Esbjerg
WOA Metal Battle: Aphyxion, Huldre, Prevail, Heidra, Phoebus Cartel, m.fl.
Templet, Kongens Lyngby
Viborg Metal Festival 2015: Unearth, Crocell, Chainfist, Hate, Vallis Mortem, m.fl.
Paletten, Viborg
Czar, Metal Cross, Prevail, The Kandidate, Wasted
Underværket, Randers
Prevail, Scientic, Ravishing
Harders, Svendborg
Prevail, Velociter
Gylling Forsamlingshus, Odder |
Underværket, Randers
Rampelys, Silkeborg
x, Randers
Spit Rusty, Pariah Syndicate, Prevail, Wecanwalkonwatertoo
V58 |
Rockstuen, Odense C
Café von Hatten, Randers
Fedtebrød, Aalborg
End My Sorrow, Prevail
Pavillonen, Grenå |
Clonecircle, Prevail
Underværket, Randers