
The Night Flight Orchestra


The Night Flight Orchestra - Give Us the Moon

Rumfart på økonomiklasse


The Night Flight Orchestra - Aeromantic II

Endnu en udmærket takeoff fra de svenske diskorockere


The Night Flight Orchestra - Aeromantic

Gassen er ved at gå af (luft-)ballonen


The Night Flight Orchestra - Sometimes The World Ain't Enough

Sommerens soundtrack er landet!


The Night Flight Orchestra - Amber Galactic

Dødsveteraner med diskokugle, glimmer og gode melodier


Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
The Night Flight Orchestra
The Night Flight Orchestra, Donna Cannone
The Night Flight Orchestra
- Wacken Open Air 2022: All Hail The Yeti, As I Lay Dying, Arch Enemy, At The Gates, Auðn, m.fl.
- Roskilde Festival 2021: Mayhem, High On Fire, The Night Flight Orchestra, Old Man Gloom, Lingua Ignota, m.fl. Aflyst
- Roskilde Festival 2020: Deftones, Amenra, Conjurer, Lingua Ignota, Svalbard, m.fl. Aflyst
- Wacken Open Air 2019: Sabaton, Parkway Drive, Demons & Wizards, Powerwolf, Airbourne, m.fl.
- Nordic Noise 2019: Candlemass, Electric Boys, Junkyard Drive, The Night Flight Orchestra, Tygers of Pan Tang, m.fl.
The Night Flight Orchestra
The Night Flight Orchestra


Interview med The Night Flight Orchestra

The Night Flight Orchestra hviler ikke på laurbærrene! Fredag den 3. september er de klar med sjette studiealbum 'Aeromantic II', der