
Skeletonwitch, Goatwhore, Mortals kommer til Pumpehuset

Skeletonwitch, Goatwhore og Mortals Skeletonwitch, Goatwhore og Mortals

"Hell has arrived over Europe" sådan lyder overskriften når Skeletonwitch, Goatwhore og Mortals kommer forbi Pumpehuset til april. Se mere i Koncertkalenderen

Goatwhore fortæller om den kommende turné: 

"After being part of a really successful European & UK tour with Dying Fetus, Malevolence and Fallujah for the last 6 weeks, I am really stoked to be returning in April with our good friends in Skeletonwitch & Mortals to offer another dose of Extreme Metal to our European and UK fans. This will be a crushing experience to all that attend. We would like to thank everyone that attended the shows in November & December. See you in 2015!"