
Korpiklaani albumaktuelle

Korpiklaani Korpiklaani

De finske folk metal superstjerner Korpiklaani er på vej med et nyt album. Albummet »Noita«, udkommer til maj og er indspillet i Petrax Studio og Aksu Hanttu har håndteret produktionen. Derudover har bandet fået hjælp af Sami Perttula og Tuomas Rounakari, som har hjulpet med at arrangere folk elementerne. Dette skulle betyde at violinen vil få en endnu mere fremtrædende plads på det kommende album. 

 Bassist Jarkko Aaltonen fortæller om den noget spøjse albumtitel:

““Noita” in the traditional Finnish meaning is different than what people associate it with nowadays. “Noita” is a person with wider knowledge and understanding of the nature and who also was believed to possess paranormal or unnatural abilities. These people were often also referred to as “Tietäjä”, that exactly means someone with wider knowledge and understanding of pretty much everything. Native American medicine man is pretty much the same thing or actually all the different types of Shamans of the primitive peoples are the same thing. “Noita” is someone that you turn to when you need help of some kind. Finnish “Noita” had the ability to heal, just like their North American counterparts. 

Bandets seneste album »Manala« udkom tilbage i 2012. Et album vi anmeldte til 9/10

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