
Første single fra Iron Maidens "The Book Of Souls"

 "Speed Of Light" "Speed Of Light"

Iron Maiden har udsendt første single fra deres kommende album "The Book Of Souls".

Nummeret "Speed Of Light" er en Smith/ Dickinson komposition, og det lyder umiddelbart som om, at det er Iron Maiden som vi kender dem bedst.

Albummet udkommer den 4. september

Disc 1

  1. If Eternity Should Fail (Dickinson) 8:28
  2. Speed Of Light (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:01
  3. The Great Unknown (Smith/ Harris) 6:37
  4. The Red And The Black (Harris) 13:33
  5. When The River Runs Deep (Smith/ Harris) 5:52
  6. The Book Of Souls (Gers/ Harris) 10:27

Disc 2

  1. If Eternity Should Fail (Dickinson) 8:28
  2. Speed Of Light (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:01
  3. The Great Unknown (Smith/ Harris) 6:37
  4. The Red And The Black (Harris) 13:33
  5. When The River Runs Deep (Smith/ Harris) 5:52
  6. The Book Of Souls (Gers/ Harris) 10:2707. Death Or Glory (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:13
  7. Shadows Of The Valley (Gers/ Harris) 7:32
  8. Tears Of A Clown (Smith/ Harris) 4:59
  9. The Man Of Sorrows (Murray/ Harris) 6:28
  10. Empire Of The Clouds (Dickinson) 18:01