
Anthrax: Nyt om kommende album fra Scott Ians nye blog

Anthrax: Nyt om kommende album fra Scott Ians nye blog

Anthraxs legendariske guitarist Scott Ian har fået sin egen blog. Her kan man læse, at der arbejdes på et nyt album. Et album som ifølge ham selv vil være mere aggressivt, hurtigere og med flere riffs - i forhold til deres forrige album. Dét er jo den slags vi kan lide at høre....

Der skulle indtil nu være syv numre parat... Det lyder som noget i retningen af en udgivelse i den første halvdel af 2014.

Charlie, Frankie and I are working hard at new Anthrax. We’ve had a couple of writing sessions and things are moving along well, fast for us actually. We’ve got 7 songs arranged musically and we’re getting together again in a week and a half.

The new stuff is aggressive, fast, even riff-ier than the last record and some of it is difficult to play. Nothing like writing parts that are above my ability as a guitar player! When that happens the drill sergeant in my brain yells “PRACTICE YOU LAZY FUCK!" So I do. And I nail that shit.