


Heathe - On the Tombstones; The Symbols Engraved

Udfordrende album fra jyske debutanter


Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
- Northern Winter Beat 2022: Sturle Dagsland, Papir, Heathe, Narcosatanicos, Oranssi Pazuzu Aflyst
- A Colossal Weekend 2020: Mudhoney, Vi som älskade varandra så mycket, Neànder, Nadja, Noplace Trio, m.fl. Aflyst
- Roskilde Festival 2020: Deftones, Amenra, Conjurer, Lingua Ignota, Svalbard, m.fl. Aflyst
Heathe, Lucid Grave, Prefix Suffix
Sorte Firkant Musikfestival 2019: Inter Arma, ORM, Gullo Gullo, Heathe, Rýk, m.fl.
Heathe, Kollapse
Heathe, Kollapse, Den Sorte Død
Heathe, Kollapse, Sunken
Heathe, Rýk
- Northern Discomfort 2018: Alunah, Dawn Ray’d, Gnaw Their Tongues, Goatess, Ordeal, m.fl.
The New Shit Showcase: Archives of Alaska, Wölfblood, Heathe, HIRAKI, Morild, m.fl.
The New Shit Showcase: Archives of Alaska, Wölfblood, Heathe, HIRAKI, Morild, m.fl.