
To nye Avantasia album

To nye Avantasia album

Uddrag fra Tobias Sammet's officielle hjemmeside:

Tobias has just decided that there is too much material to put it all on one album. So the next chapter of Avantasia will be spread over two albums.

"I have always given my very best, but this new chapter in Avantasia's history is too much and too ambitious to be just a regular album. I have worked on it for years now, and it has become even more than two albums! I don't know if I will release one first, or both simultaneously, or maybe even both in one special package. It's all up to whatever label is going to release it, we'll see. The production is so massive and I have so many guests this time. It's the continuation of the "Scarecrow"-story. I knew that story would be spread out over two albums back then when we started working on it in 2006, cause we had writtem a real Rock Opera of over 20 songs even back then. But since then we kept composing, and out came even bigger and better material. Sometimes you don't have a single good idea for months, whereas at another point it just keeps flowing. "The Scarecrow" was a huge success, with that success backing me up, it's inspiring to be able to do things big time! Looking at the music industry today with all the CD burning and downloading I guess in the near future many of us traditional Rock and Metal bands won't be able to spend such a production budget, I am afraid I won't be able to afford so many guests and such a big production with orchestration and a choir and all that. That's why this production takes so much time, it may be the last big epic I will be able to afford, and I want it to be the biggest piece I have worked on so far."

So far Tobias has confirmed the following musicians to be part of the forthcoming Avantasia opus: Klaus Meine (Scorpions), Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest, Yngwie Malmsteen), Eric Singer (KISS), Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween), Jorn Lande (Masterplan), Bob Catley (Magnum), Sascha Paeth, Felix Bohnke (Edguy), Alex Holzwarth (Rhapsody, Sieges Even)... More guests will be confirmed soon.

Kommentarer (8)


Indlæg: 1

Det er hvad jeg kalder gode

Det er hvad jeg kalder gode nyheder :-)


Indlæg: 4

Det kalder jeg det også! (o:

Det kalder jeg det også! (o:

Wohu, avantasia er noget af det bedste metal fra nyere tid.

Claus Westh Ljørring

Claus Westh Ljørring


Indlæg: 378

Ja.. de to første album THe

Ja.. de to første album THe Metal Opera er geniale mesterværk fra Sammet.. men scarecrow fejlede uhyggeligt syntes jeg.....



Tidligere anmelder

Indlæg: 425

Helt enig med Witchstar,

Helt enig med Witchstar, Scarecrow lød bare som et ordinært Melodic/Edguy album.

Claus Westh Ljørring

Claus Westh Ljørring


Indlæg: 378

Kunne dog godt tænke mig lidt

Kunne dog godt tænke mig lidt brutalitet... Hva med at bruge Mikael Åkerfeldt eller Christian Älvestam... Kunne give et fedt boost... Eller Celloer fra Apocalyptia... Eller Georg Neuhauser fra Serenity (var også med i Metal Opera pt.1 )...

Kunne helt sikkert godt smække et vildt hold sammen... syntes desværre Sammet trækker lidt kedelige fyre ind... Klaus Meine ja jo... trist.... Eric Singer ja jo... trist.... Ripper Owens ja se DET er helt ok!!!



Tidligere anmelder

Indlæg: 425

Ahh.. Jo du har nogle gode

Ahh.. Jo du har nogle gode ideer, men Klaus Meine har nu en fantastisk vokal, jeg kunne godt forestille mig ham i en kanon Avantasia ballade.

Claus Westh Ljørring

Claus Westh Ljørring


Indlæg: 378

jo måske i en ballade...

jo måske i en ballade... meeeeen vi gider ikke alle de ballader.. vi vil ha lidt guf på drengen...
Og så følger jeg personligt han skal tilbage til ROM konceptet og evt. lave en Metal Opera pt. III for det var nu fedt!



Indlæg: 13

Hvornår kommer de ?????

Hvornår kommer de ?????
Det skulle jo gerne blive jul i år