
Machine Head udsender første trailer før 'Bloodstone & Diamonds' udkommer

“I feel like, growing up in the Bay Area, we were exposed to so much amazing music,” reveals MACHINE HEAD frontman, guitarist, a

Amerikanske Machine Head har nu udsendt den første trailer forud for deres kommende album 'Bloodstone & Diamonds'

Frontfigur Robb Flynn fortæller: 

“I feel like, growing up in the Bay Area, we were exposed to so much amazing music. Everything from this incredible thrash scene to this politically charged punk rock and rap scene… and all of that bled into what MACHINE HEAD became.
Without getting too philosophical on ya, »Bloodstone & Diamonds« represent two of the hardest materials on earth, it is also a lyric from the opening track of the album ‘Now We Die’.  In many cultures the bloodstone has been used as an amulet to protect against evil, and is the symbol of justice. Diamonds and are hardest natural material on earth (which is how we feel about our music), and it also represents the diamond logo I drew 22 years ago (in my wife's apartment on Dover St. in Oakland) that has become the symbol for the band.”