
At The Gates: Teaser for "At War With Reality" er ude

At The Gates

At The Gates har smidt en teaser efter os fra deres kommende album: "At War With Reality".

Det længede ventede album udkommer den 28. oktober via Century Media

Forsanger Tomas Lindberg fortæller om temaet:

"The concept of 'At War With Reality' is based on the literary genre called 'magic realism.' The main style within this genre is the notion that 'reality' is ever-changing, and needs to be constantly re-discovered and re-conquered."

Tomas Lindberg fortæller om at skulle følge op på "Slaughter Of The Soul":

"We have gone beyond the idea of making 'Slaughter Of The Soul Pt. 2', which was actually never the idea to start with. This is an album that is so full on conceptually and creatively, so involved and ambitious that I am almost compelled to call it pretentious. And that brings me back to the feeling that was with us when we were creating 'With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness'. I'm not saying that this album sounds like that album, but it has that burning urge, the sense of importance that album is trying to portray. "To answer your question, the record will be filled with a lot of the SLAYER worship and riffage that is 'Slaughter Of The Soul', but people will also recognize the more dark, melodic side that was 'With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness', and maybe some of the more pretentious arrangements that was part of our early career."

Tracklist: "At War With Reality"

  1. El Altar Del Dios Desconocido
  2. Death And The Labyrinth
  3. At War With Reality
  4. The Circular Ruins
  5. Heroes And Tombs
  6. The Conspiracy Of The Blind
  7. Order From Chaos
  8. The Book Of Sand (The Abomination)
  9. The Head Of The Hydra
  10. City Of Mirrors
  11. Eater Of Gods
  12. Upon Pillars Of Dust
  13. The Night Eternal