
Ensiferum og Insomnium på Vega til marts


Ensiferum er snart parat med deres nye album `One Man Army´, og har sammen med producer Anssi Kippo fået de sidste detaljer på plads. Albummet udkommer den 20. februar, og inden for de næste par uger skulle der også være en video parat. 

Bassist Sami Hinkka fortæller:

"Hi folks! We are extremely proud to announce that the album is 100% done! The recording session was incredible experience for us. We can't express our gratitude enough for Mr. Anssi Kippo, who never lost his nerves, was full of crazy ideas and worked like a madman for weeks! The shortest working day was 12 hours and the average was around 16 hours! After all "blood, sweat and tears" it feels great to tell you that the result for years of hard composing and weeks of intense recordings is without a doubt the best Ensiferum album song- and soundwise. Material is pretty diverse and each song tells a tale of it's own instead of being a crappy copy of previous song so no fillers included. Next week we go record the new music video, but that's another story… Stay tuned!"


Ensiferum påbegynder en tourné og kommer forbi Vega den 30. marts. Support er landsmændene fra Insomnium