
Dani Filth om Thornography

Dani Filth om Thornography

I forbindelse med at Cradle Of Filth har givet deres næstkommende album titlen "Thornography" har cradleoffilth.com kontaktet bandet for at få en kommentar hertil.

Dani Filth skriver blandt andet:

"This title represents mankind's obsession with sin and self. The thorn combines images of that which troubled Christ, the crown of thorns, thus intimating man's seeming desire to hurt God and also, of the protecting thorn and the need to enclose a secret place or the soul from attack. An addiction to self punishment or something equally poisonous. A mania. Twisted desires. Barbed dreams. A fetish. An obsession with cruelty. Savage nature. Paganism over Christianity."

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