
Bruce Dickinson behandlet for kræft

Bruce Dickinson Bruce Dickinson

Iron Maidens forsanger Bruce Dickinson er blevet behandlet for kræft, og alt tyder på at sygdommen er blevet opdaget og fanget i opløbet. Ved en rutineundersøgelse i december opdagede man en mindre kræftknude på tungen, og et behandlingsforløb fik straks i gang.

Efter 7 ugers behandling tyder alt nu på, at Bruce Dickinson vil være på mærkerne igen om et par måneder. Der er planlagt en pressemeddelse igen i slutningen af maj. 

Pressemeddelse fra Iron Maiden:

"Just before Christmas, MAIDEN vocalist Bruce Dickinson visited his doctor for a routine check-up. This led to tests and biopsies which revealed a small cancerous tumour at the back of his tongue. A seven-week course of chemotherapy and radiology treatment was completed yesterday. As the tumour was caught in the early stages, the prognosis thankfully is extremely good. Bruce's medical team fully expect him to make a complete recovery with the all clear envisaged by late May. It will then take a further few months for Bruce to get back to full fitness. In the meantime, we would ask for your patience, understanding and respect for Bruce and his family’s privacy until we update everyone by the end of May. Bruce is doing very well considering the circumstances and the whole team are very positive."