Royal Metal Fest 2022: Soilwork, Sinnrs, Unseen Faith, Shamash, Royal Deceit, m.fl.
VoxHall, Aarhus C
Læs reportage |
Julepunk 2018: Skullclub, Psycho Brahe, Havlyd
Paletten, Viborg
Blunt, Psycho Brahe
Drivhuset, Skive
Blunt, Psycho Brahe
Paletten, Viborg
Red Warszawa, Xettia, Psycho Brahe
Forsamlingshuset, Gylling
Red Warszawa, Psycho Brahe
Drivhuset, Skive
Black Oak County, Sons Of Death Valley, Psycho Brahe
Lygten Station, København NV
Psycho Brahe, Speed Wanker, Möwe
1000Fryd, Aalborg
Blunt, Act Of Instinct, Psycho Brahe
Radar, Aarhus C