
Testament i studiet

Chuck Billy Chuck Billy

Det legendariske Bay Area thrashband Testament er i studiet for at optage en opfølger til den anmelderroste "Dark Roots Of Earth" fra 2013. 

Trommeslager Gene Hoglan fortæller, at vil ikke vil blive skuffet og at der er alt mulig grund til at glæde sig til det kommende album:

"it's killer, it's good shit. And TESTAMENT fans are gonna be, like, 'Fuck yeah!'… People will be, like, 'Shit, they mean business on this record.' It's heavy [and] fast, [with] a lot of thrash stuff."

Forsanger Chuck Billy uddybder, og fortæller at bandet sigter efter et album i retning af "The Gathering" fra 1999. Et album som for alvor var med til, at hjælpe Testament tilbage på sporet.

"...because 'The Gathering', for me, was such a turnaround record for the band. I think we really found our style and place, and the songs on that, to me, are probably gonna be some songs that stand the test of time, for sure. I think, 'cause we started experimenting with blast beats and a different style of guitar rhythms and picking on the guitars, it was different for us, and I really like where that went. So we hope that's where it all kind of ends up, and that's what we're shooting for." 

Facebook har bandet lagt et par billeder op fra studiet. 

Det er uklart hvornår albummet udkommer, men marts måned har tidligere været nævnt. 

Kommentarer (1)


"The Gathering" er fra 1999

"The Gathering" er fra 1999 og ikke 1991...