CHP Freeze

Rage stopper efter 30 år

Rage Rage

Det tyske band Rage er ikke længere en faktor indenfor heavy, speed og power metal. Efter 30 år, 20 albums og et utal af live shows er bandet blevet enige om, at samarbejdet ikke længere fungerede. Dette skyldes både personlige, som musikalske uoverensstemmelser. 

Guitarist Victor Smolski og bassist og forsanger Peter "Peavy" Wagner har udsendt en forklaring som kaster lidt lys over bandets endeligt. 

Hi Rageheads, urgend RAGE News: After thinking it over carefully, Peavy and Victor decided to stop working together in the future. This is due to musical and personal changes.
“We have developed in different directions in the last years, that much, that we cannot identify with the current band situation anymore. In this situation we will also part from drummer Andre Hilgers. The last 15 years were blessed with many highlights and great releases but this era is over now. Every extension would be untrue to ourselves and to our fans. We wish each other all the best! Thanx to all the fans for your trust and support!”

Sidst bandet var albumaktuelle var med »The Soundchaser Archives« fra 2014.