Panzer: Trackliste og albumcover er ude
Tyske Panzer har udgivet trackliste og albumcover for bandets kommende debut: »Send Them All To Hell«
Coveret er designet af Gyula Havancsák som også tidligere har arbejdet sammen med Destruction og Headhunter. Forsanger Schmier fortæller: “Together with this great and crazy guy, we have visualized the most brutal Panzer ever.
You will find a lot of details that you won’t recognize at first sight - hints to our lyrics and stuff that goes deeper than just the first martial impression! We will show you an intense cover trailer that will show all the fine points of this classical metal art that fits perfect with our music very soon!"
Bandet består af medlemmer fra Destruction og Accept
01. Death Knell
02. Hail And Kill
03. Temple Of Doom
04. Panzer
05. Freakshow
06. Mr. Nobrain
07. Why?
08. Virtual Collision
09. Roll The Dice
10. Bleed For Your Sins