
Når alt er sagt

Når alt er sagt

Black Mark udgiver den 2. oktober Edge of Sanity's doppel cd "When all Is Said - The best of Edge of Sanity".
Dan Swanö udtaler om cd'erne:

"One disc will feature the highlights of the more 'normal' studio albums and the mini-album 'Until Eternity Ends' [1994]," while "the second disc will be packed with 'Crimson' [1996] and 'Crimson II' [2003] in slightly edited versions. All songs [have been] remastered."

Tracklisten for dobbelt cd'en ser således ud:

CD 1:

01. Tales…
02. Human Aberration
03. Enigma
04. In The Veins/Darker Than Black
05. Lost
06. The Masque
07. Until Eternity Ends
08. Eternal Eclipse
09. Twilight
10. Black Tears
11. 15:36
12. Hell Is Where The Heart Is
13. Hellwritten
14. Bleed You Dry

CD 2:

Crimson (full album)
Crimson II (full album)