
Guitarist Manni Schmidt forlader Grave Digger

Guitarist Manni Schmidt forlader Grave Digger

Tyske Grave Digger har lagt følgende statement ud på deres hjemmeside:

"We have to make an announcement that most of you probably never expected.

"A band like GRAVE DIGGER has to develop constantly. The problem is that this is only possible if the musicians have the same goal and the same attitude. And they have to feel good with what they are doing.

"If you have some permanent stress in the band, there is no more productive work possible and in the long run the music suffers from this situation.

"Unfortunately, there were so many disagreements recently building up between Manni Schmidt, guitar and Chris Boltendahl, vocals that this would affect the productivity and creativity in a bad way. Because of all this, Manni decided to leave GRAVE DIGGER. This happened by mutual consent.

"We wish Manni all the best for the future and say thank you for many nice and eventful years.

"But we also have some good news. There is no effect on the concerts that are already booked.

"The last word about the replacement guitar player is not spoken yet. We first want to wait for the results of the rehearsals. After this, we will introduce you to the replacement guitarist. We already spoke to a possible candidate and we will start the rehearsals in the next days."

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Mr Body

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Indlæg: 19

surt... verdens mest sexede

surt... verdens mest sexede guitarist... det er vel spørgsmålet hvor længe Grave Digger bliver ved med at spille. Mener de for nogle år siden udtalte at det snart var slut.