
Gary Holt donerer blod

Foto: Nathaniel Shannon Foto: Nathaniel Shannon

- til sin guitar!

Gary Holt fik overrakt den nye guitar ved dette års nyligt overståede NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) af kunstneren selv og planlægger at tage guitaren i brug med det samme:  “The blood guitar is painted with 18 vials of my own blood. To say I was stoked is an understatement! I’m looking forward to taking this one-of-a-kind piece of dark art out on tour in February.”

Vincent Castiglia, som før har gjort i blod-kunst, udtaler “I pushed it as far as was physically possible in terms of detail – the subject matter, look and feel, and functionality of the piece are all in perfect line with my work. It's a functional piece of fine art that memorialises Gary’s life's work with his lifeblood. It was an honour to work so intimately with Gary and ESP on this project – which was literally bonded by blood!!!