
The Burning: Bassist forlader bandet

The Burning: Bassist forlader bandet

Danske The Burning har via deres facebook side annonceret, at bassist Thue Møller har valgt at forlade bandet af helbredsmæssige grunde.

Her er hvad bandet skriver:

"Thue has been struggling with tinnitus for a while, and, unfortunately, it has only been getting worse, and his doctor now advises him to quit music altogether. We are very sad to see him go, and we hope he will get better soon."

Bandet søger nu en erstatning for Thue Møller og her er hvad de forventer af en kommende bassist:

"The band seeks a new dedicated, experienced replacement, that can step into a band with high tour activity. It's less important if you playing style is fast, technical or heavy and basic, as long as you pound that thing with everything you've got, can let loose, and have no problem being away from home."

Interesserede kan kontakte THE BURNING via mail på band@theburning.dk