
Nyt album og stream ny sang fra Six Feet Under

Nyt album og stream ny sang fra Six Feet Under

Death Metal bandet Six Feet Under er igen på banen med et nyt album. Det seneste album "Undead" udkom for godt et år siden så bandet har haft nogle travle år. Det nye album kommer til at bære titlen "Unborn" og vil få udgivelsesdato den 19 Marts via Metal Blade Records. I den forbindelse har bandet valgt at lægge en sang fra det kommende album ud til fri streaming. Nummeret hedder "Zombie Blood Curse" og kan høres ved at følge kildelinket.

Forsanger Chris Barnes udtaler sig her om albummet: "The journey to create, write, and record Undead and Unborn has been the most challenging and exciting musical endeavor and process I have ever been involved with. Working with all these amazing writers and musicians like Ben Savage (Whitechapel) on songs like Neuro Osmosis and Fragment are some of the most dynamic, beautiful, and brutal songs I've ever had the pleasure of putting lyrics to."

Barnes forsætter: "I believe Ben is a true innovator of the death metal genre. It was also a lot of fun working Jari Laine from Torture Killer again. We wrote a great album together a few years back called Swarm! - one of my favorite releases I've been involved with- and Jari is someone who I have really wanted to work with again ever since. I wanted to revisit collaborating with Jari because of how well we work together; proof of that on Unborn are the hook heavy sounds of songs like 'Zombie Blood Curse' and 'Incision'."

Unborn track liste:

1. Neuro Osmosis
2. Prophecy
3. Zombie Blood Curse
4. Decapitate
5. Incision
6. Fragment
7. Alive To Kill You
8. The Sinister Craving
9. Inferno
10. Psychosis
11. The Curse Of Ancients