
Sonata Arctica kommer med nyt album til marts

Sonata Arctica kommer med nyt album til marts

Det finske power metal band Sonata Arctica udgiver nyt album »Pariah’s Child«.

Albummet udkommer til marts, og som det første er coveret nu frigivet.

Bandets forsanger Tony Kakko forklarer om albummet og coveret: “As always it's pretty hard coming up with a name for the new baby. I tried to approach it from many angles; how this is our 8th album and how easy it would be to abuse that fact. All the symbolism of figure eight, eternity and so on. But that just did not feel right as it's been done so many times. Then I started to think how we'd in ways abandoned our "totem animal", the wolf and all what comes with the territory. As the music on the album is bowing more towards the "old" Sonata, meaning more power metal style elements and wolves in many of the songs in one form or another, it was clear we need a wolf on the cover. An abandoned wolf. A pariah. Or Pariah's child, actually. The new generation to bring the old logo back."

Sonata Arctica har planlagt en tur rundt i Europa til april og maj, men endnu er Danmark ikke med.

Se eller gense bandet på Wacken 2013.