
Scorpions på vej med et nyt album

"We Built This House" "We Built This House"

Tyske Scorpions kan fejre sit 50 års jubilæum med et et nyt album: "Return To Forever" som udkom den 20. februar. De tyske legender skrev 19 sange, hvor 12 endte på albummet.   

Forsanger Klaus Meine fortæller om singlen "We Built This House":

"In the end, it tells our story. We've built this house called Scorpions brick by brick and often quite arduously. From the first days in Hannover, the first concerts abroad, until this very day. We've weathered severe storms, but the house withstood everything, turned out to be wheatherproof and stable. However, building the house was never just cumbersome, but joyful as well. The joy of music, the joy of having experienced and still experiencing it all, the joy of — and the thankfulness for — the fans' affection. We have been working hard for this dream, but we're thankful as well for having been able to live it, and for still being able to live it today."

Se videoen "We Built This House"