
MaYaN: Nyt album på vej kaldt: "Antagonise"

MaYaN: Nyt album på vej kaldt: "Antagonise"

Der er nyt på vej fra det 7 mand/kvinde store hollandske symfoniske deathmetal band, MaYaN. Et album kaldt "Antagonise" vil være i handlen fra den 31. januar 2014.

Albummet tager udgangspunkt i den igangværende aflytningsskandale, hvor venner pludselig bliver fjender, og alle overvåger hinanden.

Bandet fortæller om deres syn på skandalen:
We all have been spied on for many years and all our data has been backed up and safely stored. It can be used any time it's needed. All of this in the name of 'war against terrorism', which, in fact, basically is a cover up and a way to bring fear to people in order to get them under control. This trick has already been used many times in the past. History just keeps repeating itself.

The media were covering the story, but politicians around the world, and in Europe in particular, didn't know how to react and remained silent. America is an ally, and not just a little one.

Udover et højaktuelt tema vil albummet også have coverart af den bedste slags. Stefan Heilemann har endnu engang lavet et fantastisk cover.


01. Bloodline Forfeit
02. Burn Your Witches
03. Redemption ~ The Democracy Illusion
04. Paladins of Deceit ~ National Security Extremism part 1
05. Lone Wolfmay
06. Devil in Disguise
07. Insano
08. Human Sacrifice
09. Enemies of Freedom
10. Capital Punishment
11. Faceless Spies ~ National Security Extremism part