
Enslaved fortæller om det kommende album “In Times”


Enslaved er på vej med deres 13. studiealbum “In Times”. Bandet har nu udgivet den første albumtrailer, hvor bandets "6. medlem" Truls Espedal fortæller om coveret, og hvordan det blev til.

Frontfigur Grutle Kjellson fortæller om coveret

"I just love the album cover. I honestly think this is the best artwork I have ever seen. That is of course because Truls has developed the ability to transform me and Ivar’s, often surreal, concepts and ideas into an actual painting. This painting is the perfect projection of our lyrics, it even extends the written words. This is a picture of mythology, life, death and time. Truls has made a masterpiece, we have made the soundtrack."

Albummet er indspillet i Solslottet Studio i Bergen i Norge og lydeffekter er optaget i skoven Valevåg syd for Bergen, hvor bandet opstillede et særligt mobilt studie. Albummet er mixet af Jens Bogren i Fascination Street Studios i Örebro, Sverige.  

Guitarist Ivar Bjørnson har arbejdet med albummet i så lang tid, at det er svært for ham at bedømme, men fortæller dog:

“I was so deep into the songs and ideas for such a long time (or have my head so far up my own a**, if you prefer more direct language) that it is hard to have any ‘opinions’ about them that is anything else than the high-flying mumbo-jumbo of the introvert song-smith.  The songs are extensions of my inner and outer life, the thoughts I am aware of having, as well as those that lie too deep to register in everyday consciousness.  The songs are the resounds of grandiose altered states and mundane tiny micro-events.  In addition, they are, of course, also the result of inspiration from other music and art.  I do think this new album is the most consistent body of work we have so far: It incorporates our ‘blacker’ past with our influences from prog rock, our present sense of absolute freedom, and the joy of being in this band, if that makes any sense… Ha, ha, ha.  It is higher in energy, more aggressive, yet more beautiful and subtle.  It simply sounds inspired.”

01 – Thurisaz Dreaming
02 – Building With Fire
03 – One Thousand Years Of Rain
04 – Nauthir Bleeding
05 – In Times
06 - Daylight
Albummet udkommer den 6. marts via Nuclear Blast.