Corey Taylor er parat til at smadre din telefon hvis du optager en Slipknot koncert

Corey Taylor

Slipknot og Stone Sour frontfigur Corey Taylor fortæller i et interview om brug af smartphones, sociale medier, og Facebook i særdeleshed, at vi er blevet til ukritiske zombier som spilder tiden.

Corey Taylor har både en Twitter og Facebook konto, men hvor Twitter udfordre med sin begrænsninger er Facebook direkte spild af tid. Udover ukritisk brug af sociale medier er Corey Taylor også ude med riven efter koncertgængere, som optager koncerten, fremfor at nyde oplevelsen. Corey Taylor fortæller at han, til koncerter, har smidt vand efter koncertgængere, som er mere optaget af telefonen end hvad der sker på scenen. 

I've made the statement that I will ruin your phone if you do that in front of my show."

Slipknot kommer på besøg i Forum til februar, og koncertgængere med ambition om at optage showet er hermed advaret.

"I enjoy Twitter, because there's no pressure like [there is on] Facebook. I don't even run my own Facebook — somebody else does, and mainly just to kind of retype what I put up on Twitter, to be honest. But I have a lot of fun with Twitter, because you've got a maximum of 140 characters, and I can kind of get in and get out, and everybody just kind of retweets now anyway; hardly anybody puts anything out there. So it's easy; I don't have to sit on it all day, like most of these zombies do."

"So many people have their faces glued to their phones and they're not paying attention, I point and laugh anytime I see somebody trip walking down the street, and I'm brutal — I mean, I'm brutal. It's loud, it's obnoxious, there's a lot of pointing, I'm asking people, 'Did you see that?' I love it. I think it's funny. Get off your phones and pay attention to what they hell you're doing. 
I see it every once in a while. People don't do it so much at our shows, and if they do, they do it from quite a ways back, because I empty whole water bottles into people as soon as I see them staring at their phone or tweeting or whatever."

'Hey, it's a live show. Pay attention, or don't be here.'

Vi har tidligere fortalt om den karismatiske frontfigur i Clutch Neil Fallon, som også mener at koncertgængers brug af smartphones under koncerterne er... spild af tid og, at det ydermere ødelægger oplevelsen for alle involverede. Band som publikum. 

Kommentarer (1)


HA HA jeg er squ enig med

HA HA jeg er squ enig med Corey.