
CJ har forladt Thy Art Is Murder

Thy Art Is Murder

Grunden viser den sørgelige tilstand, man generelt kan sige, musikbranchen befinder sig i - set fra mange af musikernes synspunkt!

CJ McMahon beskriver sin begrundelse for beslutningen:

With a mix of both negative and positive emotions, I inform you all that I have parted ways with my band Thy Art Is Murder. It has been a wild ride I have travelled to over 40 countries around the world and played alongside some of the worlds biggest and best bands, it brings me great sadness knowing I will never perform again for my amazing and supportive fans, this will be the hardest thing for me to deal with.

My reasons for leaving: I spend too much time away from my fiancé , family and friends, touring has taken a massive mental, emotional and physical toll on me. One of the biggest reasons is money, I / we have been broke for years and being 32 years old I can't live like this anymore. I am getting married next year and plan on having a family, these things cost money, to put the finances into perspective for you I /we have earned between $16k-$18k each over 6-7 years, I feel there is something massively wrong with this, I will not live like this anymore. I'm sorry to my fans that I have to go, I have loved you all and I thank you for believing in me supporting me. The money made from my closing down sale of my clothing label will be going to my wedding, I will also be selling my Northface stage jacket I have worn the last two years on stage via eBay soon to try to pay for my wedding for the people interested, again thank you for the love and support, Your Prince Of Darkness CJ


Nick Arthur fra Molotov Solution overtager vokalen på den kommende tour, som bringer Thy Art Is Murder til Danmark den 28. januar, hvor de er support for Parkway Drive!