
Amorphis i studiet til sommer

Amorphis forventer at gå i studiet i juli måned for at indspille den kommende CD. Dette vil mærke debuten for deres nye sanger Tomi Joutsen. Guitaristen skriver om optagelserne på deres side:

"So, the recordings will take place at 1st of July at Sonic Pump studios in Helsinki and takes time till somewhere in August. Mikko Karmila is starting the mixing at September 1st at Finnvox. Let's see if guys get their studio ready till the 1st of July as it still looks like a construction area. New Sonic Pump is going to be really cool. It can't be bad studio if you have sea view and sauna.

As said we've been working hard with new songs and with their arrangements. The songs have a good atmosphere and feeling, it's hard to say at this point whether they are pop or heavy as some people will anyway categorize us as a pop band. I remember when 'Tales from the Thousand Lakes' [1994] was released, some kept us as a pop band which has sold themselves. The sound in my point of view is still very organic and someway primitive. There's different measures which make some tracks more 'progressive' (horrible word, but couldn't find decent synonym). There's acoustic and heavy stuff and that's pretty much how I can describe the stuff at the moment. In general we've been working much harder with everything so that we don't have to waste time in studio to reherase or jam.

For us it feels like new beginning or rather as a new page on Amorphis career, something which is this shapeless as this band can't never die. We keep you posted how things are moving ahead. Shine on!"