
U.D.O.: "Det er vigtigt, at skrive tekster om hvad der sker i verden lige nu"

U.D.O. U.D.O.

Tyske U.D.O. er aktuelle med albummet 'Decadent', et album som udkom i slutningen af januar. 

I et interview med Lithium Magazine fortæller frontfigur, tidligere Accept forsanger, Udo Dirkschneider om nødvendigheden af, at skrive tekster med et socialt og politisk indhold. Udo Dirkschneider nævner situationen i Ukraine og spændingsforholdet mellem den vestlige verden og Rusland som eksempler.

Derudover er han også optaget af verdens sociale uretfærdighed og ulige fordeling - baggrunden for titlen på det seneste album. Se også videoen nedenfor om samme tema.

"I don't want to be a teacher, but, for me, it's important to do lyrics about what's happening in our world now. For example, on this new album [U.D.O.'s 'Decadent'], the song 'Rebels Of The Night' came when we were on tour in the Ukraine and all that shit happened there with Russia. Nobody else was touring Ukraine at the time, only U.D.O., and we were around when all that was going on and we were talking to soldiers and talking to young people and they didn't understand what was going on and why it was happening."

"On 'House Of Fake', the lyrics are about all the political things that governments tell us they are going to do. They say they are going to do this and that for us to get us to vote them in, and in the end, they do nothing of what they said. The song 'Pain' is asking how much pain can you take, how much can you watch and endure. When you switch the news on, it's like a horror movie talking about all these wars and massacres.
"So 'Decadent' is the album title and its saying we are living in a decadent world and there is something really wrong. There is this huge gap between a few rich people in control and so many people who are poor and who have no power. There's nothing in the middle any more."


U.D.O. spiller i Kolding i marts. Forløbig den eneste koncert i Danmark. Se mere i Koncertkalenderen 

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