
Ny sang online fra Total Fucking Destruction

Ny sang online fra Total Fucking Destruction

Det amerikanske grindcore band Total Fucking Destruction har lagt et nyt nummer ud på deres MySpace side. Der er tale om nummeret "Let The Children Name Themselves" der er fra det kommende album "Peace, Love, And Total Fucking Destruction". Albummet er sat til at udkomme den 28. oktober via Bones Brigade Records.

Tracklisten for "Peace, Love, And Total Fucking Destruction":

01. Bio-Satanic Terroristic Attack
02. Monsterearth Megawar
03. Non-Existence Of The Self
04. Grindcore Salesman
05. Fuck The Internet
06. Boxcutter
07. Nihilism, Emptiness, Nothingness and Nonsense
08. Doublespeaker
09. Grindfreak Railroad
10. Electromagnetic Pulse
11. Let The Children Name Themselves
12. Anyone But Me
13. Total Fucking Destruction
14. Wounded Unit
15. Let's Fucking Do This!!!
16. Seth Putnam Is Wrong About A Lot Of Things, But Seth Putnam Is Right About You
17. Antidecompartmentalization
18. Necro-Anarchist
19. Trilogy On The History Of Strongmanism
20. Bio-Satanic Terroristic Impulse
21. Youth Apocalypse Right Now
22. Pig Of Knowledge
23. Last Night I Dreamt We Destroyed The World