
Five Finger Death Punch udset som terrormål


IBT rapporterede tidligere i dag om en liste fra Anonymous med terrormål. OPDATERET 26. november.

OPDATERING: Five Finger Death Punch skrev igår den 25.november, på deres Facebook side, at på trods af alle udfordringer, har de besluttet at gennemføre Europa turnéen, men Papa Roach og Devil You KNow har besluttet at rejse hjem.

Despite some significant challenges in Europe since the horrible events in Paris recently, we have continued on our tour and remained dedicated to our mission of providing you, the fans, the highest quality show in the safest possible show environment. As a result of new & increased travel/transportation restrictions and challenges, in some cities we are scheduled to play, we are unable to fulfill this promise, so we were forced to postpone those shows. We continue to face additional challenges but remain committed to finishing out the tour as best as we can. We are not a band that is used to postponing or canceling shows. In fact, we have always prided ourselves on showing up onstage no matter what, so these extenuating circumstances have been particularly challenging for us, as artists, given the high standard we place on ourselves to deliver for the fans.

Five Finger Death Punch will finish out the remaining European tour dates without Papa Roach and Devil You Know in Düsseldorf, Germany and at Wembley Arena in the UK. The lineup for Düsseldorf will include FFDP, Eskimo Callboy, Skindred and Nothing More. For Wembley it will be FFDP, Skindred and As Lions. The show in Brussels will be postponed, but we will be back soon to play for our Belgian fans.

We appreciate everyone’s support as we continue to navigate these largely uncharted waters. Nothing gives us greater satisfaction than delivering the best show possible in the safest conditions.






Historien har siden udviklet sig således, at IBT nu har været ude og ændre i historien efter Anonymous har Tweetet, at de intet kender til rygterne om de anslag, som det rapporteres skulle finde sted i dag, søndag den 22. november.

Dog findes der et opslag i Pastebin fra en gruppe, der kalder sig AnonOpParis, som siger "mission accomplished" mht. at advare myndighederne http://pastebin.com/wkigzJZD  


Hvorom alting er, så ser listen således ud:

  • Cigales Electroniques with Vocodecks, RE-Play & Rawtor at Le Bizen (Paris)
  • Concrete Invites Drumcode: Adam Beyer, Alan Fitzpatrick, Joel Mull at Concrete (Paris)
  • Demonstration by Collectif du Droit des Femmes (Paris)
  • Feast of Christ the King celebrations (Rome/Worldwide)
  • Al-Jihad, One Day One Juz (Indonesia)
  • Five Finger Death Punch (Milan)
  • University Pastoral Day (Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon)

og derudover skulle WWE Survivor Series showet i Atlanta, Georgia også været udset som muligt mål.


På grund af ovenstående ser FFDP sig naturligvis nødsaget til at udsætte søndagens koncert, og meldte i aftes følgende ud: 

As some of you may be aware, there were many rumors today that the Milan show on Sunday, November 22nd will be targeted in a next wave of terror attacks like we saw in Paris last week. We did our best in a very short amount of time to work with the local promoter and authorities to ensure that security would be adequate. Unfortunately, we did not receive confirmation in time to satisfy our requirements and to ensure that our fans would be safe at the event. Therefore, we were forced to postpone the show to a later date. Please stay tuned for more info.


Forvirringen om oprindelsen til oplysningerne lader til at være total, men absolut "better safe, than sorry" - vi afventer mere nyt om situationen.




Kommentarer (2)

Aksel Sinding

Kan i være at skrive på dansk

Kan i være at skrive på dansk tak hilsen Aksel


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Indlæg: 1

Det kan vi desværre ikke, men

Det kan vi desværre ikke, men Google translate kan være en stor hjælp, og giver en forståelig, omend ikke perfekt, oversættelse :) https://translate.google.dk/?hl=da

Mvh. :)