
Exodus: Trackliste parat for "Blood In, Blood Out"

Exodus: Trackliste parat for "Blood In, Blood Out"

Exodus har lækket tracklisten for bandets kommende album, Blood In Blood Out.

Guitarist og sangskriver Gary Holt fortæller om albummet og bandet. “When I was working on the record, I was sitting around watching TV series like ‘Gangland’ and all these locked-up prison reality shows, and I thought, ‘Yeah, that’s like EXODUS.’ It’s a brotherhood. You bleed to get in, you bleed to get out. I’ve been doing this kind of music since I was a teenager and I’ll be doing it ‘til I can’t physically do it anymore."

01 – Black 13
02 – Blood In, Blood Out
03 – Collateral Damage
04 – Salt The Wound
05 – Body Harvest
06 – BTK
07 – Wrapped In The Arms Of Rage
08 – My Last Nerve
09 – Numb
10 – Honor Killings
11 – Food For The Worms

Albummet udkommer den 10. oktober, og kan forudbestilles på kildelinket