Panzer: Tysk supergruppe med medlemmer fra Destruction og Accept
Ny tysk supergruppe er under opsejlning med prominente medlemmer fra Destruction og Accept.
Forsanger og bassist Schmier fra Destruction vil i samarbejde med guitarist Herman Frank og trommeslager Stefan Schwarzmann fra hhv. Accept, Victory og Running Wild danne gruppen: Panzer.
Ideen opstod for 7 år siden da Frank og Schwarzmann kom på ideen og ringede til deres fælles bekendte Schmier. “When Stefan Schwarzmann, drummer of Accept and an old friend came to me with the idea of putting a band together, I first thought he tried to fool me… hahaha!
But the idea sounded amazing from the beginning and after the first meeting with Herman Frank, the German guitar legend, that everybody knows from his work with ACCEPT and VICTORY and Stefan, we realized really fast, that this team could really kick some serious ass together. And Instead of talking too long about it, we started writing songs right away and within some weeks had half of the album recorded and it sounded wicked! We don t wanna re-invent the metal-wheel. We play the music we love, easy as that and it’s great fun cause we all dig this shit since we are teenagers!"
Hvad kan vi forvente af Panzer? "No left - no right! Just straight forward like a Panzer!"
Bandet udsender »Send Them All To Hell«, som udkommer den 28. november 2014.