
Panzer: Se trailer #2 fra tysk supergruppe

Panzer: Se trailer #2 fra tysk supergruppe

Superbandet bestående af medlemmer fra Destruction og Accept har udgivet endnu en teaser forud for deres debut.

»Send Them All To Hell« udkommer den 28. november, men du kan allerede nu se hvad der er i vente på bandets anden albumtrailer

Frontfigur Schmier: „Like a Panzer … - the self-titled track 'Panzer' is a marching song monster that is different than the rest of the more classical material. We wanted a song that sounds like a steamrolling TANK - straightforward in your face! 'Panzer' will be a perfect live song, cause of its intense beat, guitar crunch and the hypnotic chorus! Traditional metaheads might not expect a track like this from us, but the record has a wide range from classical ACCEPT/PRIEST Metal up to Speed Metal/MOTÖRHEAD influences - so this track sure stands out with its intensity!"