Megadeth har lagt fem ny sange online
Thrash metal giganterne Megadeth har lagt fem helt nye sange ud på deres MySpace side. Sangene hedder "Dialectic Chaos",
"This Day We Fight!", "44 Minutes",
"Bite The Hand That Feeds" og "Headcrusher". Alle sangene er fra det kommende album "Endgame".
"Endgame" trackliste:
01. Dialectic Chaos
02. This Day We Fight!
03. 44 Minutes
04. 1,320'
05. Bite The Hand That Feeds
06. Bodies Left Behind
07. Endgame
08. The Hardest Part Of Letting Go... Sealed With A Kiss
09. Headcrusher
10. How the Story Ends
11. The Right To Go Insane