
Gratis download af belgiske Theudho's nye EP

Gratis download af belgiske Theudho's nye EP

Det belgiske pagan black metal band Theudho tilbyder gratis download af deres nye EP "The Silence". EP'en indeholder fire sange og den kan downloades via kildelinket.

Her er hvad bandet selv skriver: "On this longest night of the year, when the solar wheel is about to return to bring light to a world cloaked in cold and darkness, Theudho is reborn from its own ashes with a new digital EP. As a gift to our friends and supporters, we've re-recorded four tracks from our back catalogue and are now offering them as a free download EP. This EP marks a new era for Theudho, with a new line-up that uncompromisingly returns to our metal roots. Rekindle the ancient fires and spread the word!"

"The Silence" trackliste:

01. Silence Reigned Over The Bog
02. Fafnirs Blut
03. Foreboding Dreams
04. Gudrun's Revenge