
Exodus: Nyt album "Blood In, Blood Out" har en udgivelsesdato

Exodus: Nyt album "Blood In, Blood Out" har en udgivelsesdato

San Francisco Bay Area thrash legender Exodus udkommer med et nyt album den 14. oktober kaldt "Blood In, Blood Out".

Albummet udkommer via Nuclear Blast og coveret vil blive udført af svenske Pär Olofsson, som tidligere har lavet coveret til "Let There Be Blood".

Guitarist Gary Holt fortæller: "The concept came from Pär Olofsson. I fed him the title and he immediately came up with the final concept, and it's perfect! One of my favorite covers we've ever done and it fits the title and theme to a T!"

Albummet vil blive det første med bandet nye/ gamle forsanger Steve "Zetro" Souza, som tidligere har været i del af bandet i perioden 1986 til 1993 og igen fra 2002 til 2004.

Men der vil også være en anden gammel Exodus veteran med på albummet. Metallicas Kirk Hammett har indspillet en solo på "Salt In The Wound" og fortæller om at være med på albummet: "It felt really casual, really cool — just like it did back in 1980 when we were all just hanging out back in the day. Me, recording a solo on their album was a huge thing for me. Other than the EXODUS demo that's been heard by a lot of people, it's the only time I ever recorded with EXODUS. It was a huge thing for me."