CHP Freeze

Der er stadig liv i Konkhra

Der er stadig liv i Konkhra

Konkhra guitarist og sanger Anders Lundemark skriver på deres hjemmeside, at trommeslageren Johnny Nielsen har forladt bandet for at få mere tid til familien.

Der er mulighed for at blive Konkhra's nye trommeslager, men der er visse betingelser:

"We havent really been talking to anyone yet and I'd like to take this time invite anybody who's a drummer to get in touch and get some of the new songs sent mp3 to run an audition over. If you can groove and play blast beat 16th notes 240 bpm that should be sufficient. I'd also like to get someone with a firm internal clock and preferably capable of recording to a click. If you on top of this, are dedicated to extreme metal and get sick to the stomach when you hear the singalong girly choruses that has infested extreme metal these days then we are definately closing in."