
Anti-Mortem: Se første single "100% Pure American Rage"

Anti-Mortem: Se første single "100% Pure American Rage"

Det amerikanske southern Rock/Metal band Anti-Mortem har udsendt en single fra deres kommende debut kaldt: "100% Pure American Rage".

Bandet beskrives som en blanding af Pantera og Black Stone Cherry og fortæller selv om tilblivelsen af det kommende album: "We have so many writers in our band and we all have different tastes," Romo says. "Me and [guitarist] Zain [Smith] will write a song that's pretty metal, and then all three of us write a song that is like southern metal or like it was from the '70s. None of us have ego about writing. We don't question if it's soft or heavy. If one of us says, 'I believe in this riff,' then it becomes, 'Let's write an ANTI-MORTEM song around it.'"

Se første single fra albummet på kildelinket.

Albummet »New Southern« udkommer den 25. april