
Woe of Tyrants: Nyt nummer online

Woe of Tyrants: Nyt nummer online

Amerikanske Woe of Tyrants har lagt et nyt nummer ud på deres MySpace side. Titlen på nummeret er “Break the Fangs of the Wicked" og er taget fra bandets kommende album "Kingdom of Might". Albummet er sat til at udkomme den 6. januar 2009 via Metal Blade Records. Følg kildelinket for at høre sangen.

Forsanger Chris Catanzaro fortæller her lidt om sangtemaer på "Kingdom of Might"

“While many of you have grown to expect highly abstract concepts for our songs and records, we've taken this album to a different style of writing that is a bit easier to digest lyrically than our previous work. The main theme, while Christian based in influence, barely goes into specific stories from the bible. I chose to write it this way due to the fact that we do not label ourselves a Christian band, and I by no means am here to tell anyone that I have the whole world figured out. This album is meant merely to express a respect for the force that can create everything we see, hear and digest. To encourage people to consider their lives, consider anything and everything, as opposed to just remaining lethargic. Upon doing so, it's my hope that someone might develop a peace with the truths in which they discover, and if nothing else find something within our record that leads them to improving their life as opposed to the common 'metal' message of destroying it. Kingdom of Might is our pride and joy musically, the culmination of hours and hours of work, so if nothing else, give it an honest listen! Much love!