The Vintage Caravan er på vej i studiet

The Vintage Caravan

Islandske retro rockere The Vintage Caravan begynder allerede kort tid inde i det nye år på indspilningen af et nyt album. Den 8. januar er der booket to ugers studietid, og bandet har allerede materialet parat. Nøjagtig som på bandets senste album »Voyage« vil det endnu engang være i samarbejde med producer Axel "Flexi" Árnason.

Bandet udtaler, at det kommende album vil blive mere heavy og mere melodisk i forhold til deres tidligere albums. 

"The songwriting sessions have been going on since around October 2012 when our album »Voyage« had been out in Iceland for a month. We immediately started writing at that point so some of the songs are quite old for us. Because of that we have a bit too many songs but we intend to make this album around 10 tracks so we can put what we think are the best tracks on the album. Right now we are doing demos, polishing the stuff and thinking of ways to nicely add to the production of the songs.


We are very excited to start recording this album. It's going to be interesting to work on. The album is a bit different from our previous album - it's a bit darker, a bit heavier, a bit more melodic but definitely all in a good way."

Bandet forventer at albummet vil udkomme engang efter sommerferien.